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NEW ORLEANS RACING PLAN NOT COMPLETE. New Orleans. La.. October 1. Announcement that about ninety days of racing, probably will bo held at New Orleans this year was made, yestevday by S. F. Heaslip. president of the New. Orleans Jockey Club, upon his return from ixraisville. Wlille in Louisville he was in communication with the present owners of the major portion Of the majority stock iu the New Orleans track, and says he made arraugements with them to transfer their holdings to New Orleans men within the next thirty days. Heaslip says he plans for ninety daysjracing under some system of betting which will liQt violate the Locke law prohibiting race track gambling. This law permits individual betting. The races this winter are to be conducted -on the plan which first made racing popular here, that is; with local ownership and operation of the tracks... At Louisville, the folks who Hold fjie stock say that Mr Heaslip overstates his caso. and do not think that he can give them the -necessary guarantees. Until these are forthcoming no control will be given Mr. Heaslip. - -