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FUTURE OF SENORITA FARM. Lexington. Ky.. November 27. Captain W. Harry Brown returned to Pittsburg Tuesday night without disposing of Senorita Farm, but it is expected by those who are close to the negotiations that are In progress for the magnificent estate that a deal will lie closed within the next three or four days, and that either L. V. Harkness. one ot the vice-presidents- of the Standard Oil Company, who owns the adjacent Walnut Hall Farm and the great lwnd of trotters thereon, or Irving II. Wheatcroft. the railroad and mining magnate, who. In addition to owning the St. James Stable of racers now running at Los Angeles, has, within the -past thirty days, bought the stallions Cesarion and1 Yorkshire Lad and over 100 head of thoroughbred mares and weanlings will get It, There was some time ago a storyafloat to the effect that Mr. Uarkness had been given an option on the farm, hut this was not exactly correct, Mr. Uarkness bail merely asked for a price on ithe place, and. getting it. had let the matter rest. Mr. Wheatcroft. when he heard that the Senoxlta Stud was to be disposed of, asked Cap tain Brown if he would lease the farm to him for one year. iMr. Brown answered that he would sell, but not lease. However, when lie came down for the sale of the stallions and mares Monday he met Mr. Wheatcroft ami they had. a further talk about the proposition to lease. Mr. Brown said that the fact that -Mr. Wheatcroft would continue it as a stock farm might result in a leasing arrangement, but that the Pittsburg Trust iCompanrv. which is handling the estate of the late Captain S. S. Brown, would have to pass finally upon the matter. Ou his rettum to Pittslxurg Mr. Brown sent a negative answer to Mr. Wheatcroft. Di the meantime Mr. Harknesa renewed negotiations for the farm, and Mr. Wheatcroft today wrote a letter asking for the lowest price. There are .WO acres in the place and it is said here that more than 0,000 Is wanted for It,