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CANADIAN QUARANTINE STOPS SHIPMENT. Lexington. Ky., November 27. Peter Clinch of St. Johns, N. B.. and John Evans, representative ol Joseph E. Seagram of Waterloo. Ontario, are up against an! unexpected obstacle to shipping the thoroughbreds they bought this week into Canada. A telegram ito Clinch from tine Canadian department of agriculture sit Ottawa informs him that there is a quarantine against all live stock intended for Canada from or passing through the states of Michigan1. New- York, Pennsylvania and Massachusetts, ami that for probably thirty days or longer it will be impossible to cross the lKrder with any quadruped, irrespective of a veterinarians certificate of good health. The seventeen thoroughbreds bought by Clinch were subjected to test and declared free from disease by Dr. Howe of Dayton, and it was bis intention, to leave here today via Cincinnati and Detroit, but the quarantine slopped him. He is now figuring on shipping to Newport News, taking a boat to Boston and transferring there to -another Itoat for New Brunswick, but lie is doubtful if lie will be permitted to make the transfer. If not he will have to put bis horses on one of the farms here until 4 he quarantine is lifted. Evans has already sent nine head he bought for Mr. Seagram to Woodburn Farm in Woodford County, and they will remain there in care of John Morris until they can be whipped to Waterloo. Beaslev Bros., who purchased McOratlnana Iarm from Colonel Milton Young, have been offered a profit of 5,000 Tor the land. They paid 03,000 for 7-SS acres less than sixty days ago. It. A. Bens-ley said today that he and his brother bad not decided whether or not they would accept the offer, but he thought not,