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FEATURES OF JTHE BELGIAN TURF. The last flat race meeting of the year in Belgium took place at Dllbeek. It will be good news to his friends in England: to know that jockey Heapy was back again and riding in the last racing -week. lie will now have a good long rest, and it is to be hoped that he will completely recover his health and fine form. Unfortunately he has lost through his accident the premier position on the winning jockeys list which he has held so long, but he is only thirteen behind Kerchove. the native rider, who is at the top with 119 winning rides. Slade is third with seventy-eight and Lucien Lyno fourth with sixty-seven, but it must be remembered that Lyne only came over when the season was half over. George Ashman heads the winning trainers list. Ho has run horses 5GS times during the season and won 10G races, which is not bad. James iBreze lias, however, a better average. He has run 2S4 times and won ninety races. Vandensteen. who trains the horses managed by M. de Neuter, has won ninety-four races out of 4G2. Stanton has won seventy-four races and Sbarpe seventy-two. In order to assist the breeders in Belgium, the Jockev Club of that country takes a number of subscriptions every year to high-class stallions In Franco and places them without fee at the disposal of owners of thoroughbred mares. This year ch services of Wildfowler, Elf. Rabelais and Son I Mine has been retained, and these are available for "mares not more than nine years old." that have won at least 0,000 in flat races during their turf career, or have produced the winner of a weight-forage race worth at least 2.000. In the case of . too many applications being received for mares fulfilling these conditions, lots will bo drawn In order to make, a selection. The Belgian Jockey Club has also taken other subscriptions to Le Samaritain. Son o Mine and Elf. which will toe put up at auction, but mares wtoich are over nine years of age or have been barren in 190G and 1907 will not toe eligible for service. The drawing -and the auction will tako place at the Jockey Chib rooms on Decemtoer 21, In the presence of the interested parties.