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ARMY MENS DAY AT SAN ANTONIO. I San Antonio, Tex., December 20. Military Day at tiie Fair Grounds was made noticeable -by the presence of nearly all tiie officers and many of the nri-Vnteg in the U. S. garrison stationed at Fort Sain Houston. Many of San Antonios best society aided by their presence, and there was a really metropolitan racing air. The crack military post band rendered numerous selections and werejilvea an ovation. The military race which featured the card was won bv Captain A. IMcIntyrc of the Third Field Artillery, who has seen many years of active service in the Phillipiues. He Was on the thoroughbred horse Camp Mate, a three-year-old gelding by First Mate Camp Meeting. The horse has been used in tlw cavalry branch of the army tor nearly a year. His victory was a hollow one.. The track conditions " were the worst since the oiening and were responsible for the declaring off of two of the races. An extra one was substituted for the original third, ut. none, for; the fifth, as, with the military race.therp . ?tjll - renialnpd; dx races on tho card. The hooks were again given a stiff beating. S. 0. Hildreth is negotiating with D. C. OMalley for the release of the contract held by the latter on jockey Butwells services. Pickens good riding was again a feature. To his ability was due the victories of Sam Taylor and Cam Pan.