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ATTITUDEOF GOVERNOR HUGHES. Said to Be Satisfied with Racing as Conducted Now at Belmont Park. New York. May IS. — From a source of authority, which in this case is Governor Hughes himself, •.•onvcyed through the medium of Robert M. Fuller, it is learned that he is satisfied with the reports lie has received in regard to the conduct of racing at Belmont Park, and that the reports circulated thai Assistant District Attorney Elder had interviewed Governor Hughes on the question bf procedure, when racing came under his jurisdiction at Gravescnd and Sheepshead Bay in June, had no foundation, that the governor had not seen nor heard from the district attorney. Those in close touch with Governor Hughes are pronounced in reixirting the attitude of the governor regarding the outcome of the Hart Agnew bill. They say the law is there, that the courts have interpreted it. aud so long as the associations and the public live up to the decisions of the courts no further action will be taken. Any infraction of the law will be immediately looked into. This seems to mean that as the objectionable features of liettiug on horse racing have been elimi-uated. the sport will continue and presumably grow upon the new foundation that is now being built. This will lie cheering news to those who are much concerned in the welfare of the turf, and will do a great deal to bolster up the weak-kneed, who are loaded up with fear and trembling at the slightest rumor of pending evil.