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THE TIA JUANA RACING VENTURE. I. os Angeles, Cal.. May 20. — Coincident with the announcement that Santa Anita Park will open at I In- usual time next fall, reports are in circulation lo the effect that the proposed racing venture at Tia .luana. on Mexican territory, just across the international Ixiiindary line from San Diego. Cal.. lias been abandoned. It has been known all along that the proposed track at Tia .luana would materialize only in the event of no racing in California. The plans of its projectors were based on the elimination of California from the racing map. While the Barnes of Harry Brolaski. Clem Creveling and others more or less known on the turf have been mentioned in connection with the venture, it is known that these men were merely acting in behalf of others who for various reasons desired to remain in the background. It is stated that men of influence and wraith were in reality behind the enterprise, and that their plans contemplated the establishment of an American Monte Carlo and sporting headquarters at Tia .luana. with racing as an Incidental attrae-tioii. If racing fails to flourish iu California, it is probable that the Tia J nana proposition will be revived.