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HOPE FOR RACING AT NEW ORLEANS. New Orleans. Mav 20. — The belief is gaining ground thai New Orleans will not long be without racing. A prominent citizen, who keeps in close much with local conditions, predicts that the next legislature will repeal the Jjoeke law. which pat the Crescent cilv tracks out of business, and enact i measure which will permit restricted racing. It is said that reorganization of the racing organiza lions will be a necessary preliminary to the carry Ing out of this program. Ike idea is for the on I siileis who have been prominent in the affairs of the two tracks to retire and allow local people to come to the front. New Orleans has keenly felt the absence of the racing crowds and it is thought that there will be no serious opposition to the restoration of Ihe sport, provided thai certain conccs sions are made !,v those most directly interested.