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LOUISVILLE MEETING ENDS KENTUCKY OAKS TAKEN EASILY BY FLOREAL WITH PINK WINGS SECOND. Fine Weather Induces Big Attendance and Brisk Speculation in the Mutuels — Meeting Successful and Free from Scandal. Louisville. Ky.. May 22. — Otl|M| day at Churchill Down* was favored by splendid vc;itlicr and. as the card m iiiii of the best, containing the Kentucky Oaks and tin- Princeton purse M stellar features M six rtn os. an attendance wroml only in numbers t" tliat of Derby dwy. was pcMMt. The Princeton ■ane was Marl in honor of the Princeton Western Alumni, who were here for their annual awHa anil attended the racing in a liody. For the occasion the management tiad decorated the etabboaae and stand- i:li I lie famous araagc and ldaek and the ratal added considerably to the pieturosqileness of tin- surrounding*. Florcal and Pink Wings, collided as tlie Finer A: Woodford entry, finished first and second in the oaks, with ti. .1. bancs Cordova in third place. The lace ft* a spectacle was uninteresting. Florcal winning by a big margin. During the early running of the race. Cordova and her staldemate. Civita. hail Been the leaden, but aa the stretch turn they ajen passed Willi consummate ease by the winner. Pink Win rs. coming with a rush in the last furlong, gained second place. The bad showing of Ada Meade was attributed to her poor condition, she only recently recovering from a severe case of sickness. It was only lilting that The Pad. carrying orange and black eoan, should lie returned winner in the Princeton Handicap. He won in rood style by five lengths from Topland and Duquesno. Favorites captured all the purses executing in the third race, which went to K. T. Shipp. and as a result these who stick to form combined considerable profit with thejr pleasure. Scratches reduced the opener to six starters float an srtgbnl carded Banner of fourteen. Merrick proved much the best am! led Snake Mary home in the easiest manner. In the second race Ohantlclor repeated her former easy vii lory and beat the good thins:. Metlie Bemad, in hollow style. E. T Shipp .surprised the knowing ones by staring for the mile and twenty yards to beat La Fayette. Orlando*, recently purchased bv T. Hal field, took the last purse from Billy rulliuan. Speculation today was again of lame vohnne. llir Pull force «f mutiiel machines having to lie iiresse.l intr* service to accommodate the lienors. The total of inonev Wagered in the ami in. at and auction nsejs exceeded 00,000. The management here is gratified over the re siills ol" this meeting, mid it also establishes the im pnlaritv of nuttiiel netting. Improvements are hi contemplation and new machines will be bought. Improvements are also in contemplation on tin grandstand for the next meeting. The track does nol reuuire anv more to be done with it as it now ranks as one of the fastest in the countrv. A f.a-ture of the raring here this sprint: was the Manner of track records broken. Many owners however, maintain that the management did wrong in alter hnt the oval from its former condition to the hard aarface it now has. They contend that the fast time made was at the expense of some good racers. which met iniury lieeauso of tie hard track. An additional covering will probably be put on the rear at to give it more cushion and prevent bre.iK • low IIS. Moat "f the horsemen who will engage in the Latonia racing will depart from here tomorrow. Special trains will be run tonight and tomorrow. Harry Laademaa has signified his intention of making book during tie Estonia raring At a sjle of horses held in the paddock todav to dissolve a partnership between A. Laanace and .1. -I. Sarborg. the two-year-old lillv bv link Coat -lleutou. brought $.100. and was knocked down to A. I.asance. sister Evelyn went for M to J. Thom;i son. Aside from the selling race war which cropped .ip early daring the meeting, the racing here has been trie from objectionable features. The indues have bad very little to do in the way of inflicting punishment on violators of racing rules, Form has been -|.b it.lidly conserved, and there has lieen very little fault fending with the r loing as conducted here du: lag the past three weeks.