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ANSWERS TO QUERIES. [Comntunieatione without raines and addresses of senders will not be answered or noticed : nor will any answers be sent by mail. I II. ft ft. Chicane. See ready lo lien .. James K.. Cincinnati. O. 2.80 was the correct price. ". ft M.. Chicago. Sandal was an error. It sJiouid have read San Oft T. M.. Iittslinrg. Im. liroomstick w;is never raced at St. Louis. His brother, Broomhandle. was. Charles 1.. Chicago. 111. S.-in Gil and not Sand;.! stittcd in race sisii7 at Houston. Tex.. Sutunla.. It was a typographical erne. T. I. W.. Salt Lake City. Utah. Dalntr ami Sheriff Bell ran a dead heat in the Crass Soiling Slakes at Bbeopshead Bay. June 20. 1014. Shcrif! Bell won the run-off. I4en .. Springfield. 111. Handbook bets on Alice in the third race al Louisville May 28 were dra.vs. because the race on which the beta were made wa. declared off. The race she won was a different affair, at mother distance ami against different nones. This replies to all other queries on the same subject.