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HOUSTON ENTRIES. For differences in weight add or deduct 6 points to the pound. An extra good riders average worth ia 3 pounds. ProbabtBrlea: Weather clear: track fast. Bactaft starts at 3: o p. in. Chicago time. 3:M». X Basal well in mud. ©Superior mud runner. First Race — 1-2 Mile. 2-year-olds. Selling. In.1 Horse. Wt. Rec. A. Wt. Hd.p. si:47 faster Roses 07 :401 105 72.1 M771 Black Light 165 :4*j IK 7U siso:;- Little Xlaichmont . .100 :52?. !i MB S1771- 1ick Poblf 105 :121 KH..X705 niilll" II nana Baker 105 :32l lor, 7im» siso:;, Beraaae 103 :521 MB..X668 81803 Red Camims 10.1 :121 M ••*■ S1771 Spring Stoi in 10O ■ - HO 0i- Second Race — 3-4 Mile. I year olds and upward. Selling. S1S27 Tom Franks 3. .100 725 H1T72 Iraneis .lo i |,ii 110 1:18* 4. .114. . X TU S1772" Biamlettc 10.1 1 :2t;* 3..KI7 710 Sll.f.0 Manilla 4.. 114 PM MSM Marjerta K. 5..10.1 MO Martial, b. c. I,y Marchniont II.— li-~ Virginia ... 3.. 102 Third Race— 5-8 Mile. .3 vear-olds and upward. Selling. 81710" Baba U21:0:i 8. .110. .X72.1 810421 Doc Alien 115 lo2 r,. .10.1. . X71o 81710- l»r Hownlc M6 ldBI 3. . lo2. . / 705 814761 Annuil Interest ..1051:021 3. .102 70S tslsot;, Kntre Vols 110 1 HAH 5..166..X70* 181700 Auuiline W 1:064 4..16S..X760 81832 Joe Howell 11X1:631 3. .105 005 I73S tioldan KMi 1:03S 3..I1M1 8*5 81707 Balol.e 102 1:031 4. . 166. .©075 H18273 XI. J. Whnleu 4.. 107 Of.5 Fourth Hace — 3-4 Mile. :: year olds and upward. Selling. 81774 Salnvoke 16*1:151 I.. *6. ...729 81228 liiiurv 110 1:14? 3. . 106 720 81711* Pedro 110 1:lf. 5 U0..X71O 81774» fclder 105 1.141 4..107..X71O Ind. Horse. Wt. Ree. A. Wt. Hdcp. 8I.17:;1 Vohoonie 167 1:191 I.. 167 0M Fifth Race— 1 Mile. 4 year olds ami upwiud. Selling. Slvi.-,i ChesVardiue 108 1 :.3!* 4. . 103. . X725 81828 Melange 110 1:41 4..104..X720 81643 tloblnelil 112 1:401 7. .108 71.1 l.jsta 1011:41ii 4.. 07 MB 81775 Xlr. Knapp 1M1:478 5 ..!!.. X M6 Sixth Race— 7-8 Mile. 4 year olds and upward. Selling. N568 .I...- W.M.ten ti..K»4 725 81775- Ban Lord KM 1:31? 4.. 0!.X72ti sisui; l n, le Henrv 114 1:27- 7. .104. . X71.1 81771 Cbtppewa KM 1:2.1* li. .111 . . X71.1 817 m; Charlie Lusk I« l::n« ."...111 710 81827* Morea B..111..X7M 81776* Caraaoa 102 1:32* 4. .104 c.s.", 8177C. Miller Boy 5.. KM C.50 The figures under "Rec." In nliove entries show the best time made by the horse at the distance, with weiuht cauied since January 1. 1008. Till-time is not necessarily made by a winner. It may be tlie estimated time of a losing performance.