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TELEGRAPHIC FORM. The horses which seem liest. in Fridays races are: Lator.ia Latonia. K .. M.iv 27. Iā Pink Wings, l.rvee. Dr. Yw.v.. 2ā Jack Straw. Slewfoot, Inferno Queen. .: -Mai -morean. Ned Carmack. Potter. 4 ā Tom Ilay.vard. The Minks Moooette. B Billy llillniiin. Stone Street, Huerfano. 6 ā McChord. Tom Holland. Bonnie Ban]. J. L. Dempscy. Woodbine Park- Toronto. Out.. May 27. ! I DOydon. Davies entry. DeViiiison. 2 Iulka. Chilton jmvn, ..nipte.ii. :: Seagram entry. French Shore. Bridleen. I Red River. Bellwether. Term*. 5 Busy. Jack Dellllorlell. Calvcsca. 0 Malediction, Keoskaleeta. lli.oko. 7 Tcddiugton. Jim Parkinson. Silverine. T. K. Lynch.