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EMPIRE CITY MAY HAVE NO OFF DAYS. New York. June VK — It is not improbable that the F.inpire City track will race six days a week instead of five. General Manager Winn is in favrw of coin humus racing a; Yoakers, and it is believed that President James Butler will approve of his Plan. There is no doubt in the minds of race track men that the snort will continue to grow in t oint of popularity with the arrangement of more date-. So far experiments witli extra days have been u source of encouragement. Hardly a day passes that horsemen who believed that racing was dead la-t fall do not appear at Hravesend for the first time and promptly express surprise at the increasing heallhfulness of the turf. They arc naturallv en thnsiastic and are not slow In predicting that raring will folly regain its former prestige and popularity. Appreciating the determined struggle of the Jockey Club to keep the sport alive, it may be said that al! classes of horsemen are now ready to lend their assistance. But to those who have remained on the L-round ever sjn,.,. ihe sp it received a body blow at Albaay a year ago belongs the real credit. If they had failed to remain loyal to the cause it is believed thai the Jockey Clubs task would have bee* all the more dittieull.