Bright Outlook For Fort Erie.: Stakes for Summer Meeting About to Open Have Filled Exceptionally Well., Daily Racing Form, 1909-06-20


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BRIGHT OUTLOOK FOR FORT ERIE. Stakes for Summer Meeting About to Open Have Filled Exceptionally Well. Buffalo. N. Y.. June 111. — Preparations hy Ihe Niagara Raring Association for Its anndal summer race meeting across Hie river from Buffalo Indicate I lint Fort Erie. Out.. Is to have its best season of sport with the thoroughbred. The Manner meeting. which will open on Monday. July ." . and close on Wednesday. July 28. twenty one days, promises to be one of ihe greatest In the chain of Important meetings on the Canadian circuit this year. Last rear, under the direction of President .1. 11. Madigan. Hie new owners of the plant emended upward of MO.000 ill improvements. The scene was one of tran-formal ion and Hie result splendid. And they have aot stopped. This spring still farther has the track been beautified and Improved and when the bugle calls the hoi ses to the post tor the first race on .lnl "i. the plant will be in spick and span con ditto*. Horses, more in number and higher in class than ever before, are already, figuratively speaking, clam orine at the gates for admission to the increased stabling, and witli a public whose appetite, always normal, has been keenly whetted for the racing. nothing short of a brilliant meeting may be anticipated. Funics for the stakes to be decided at the summer and fall i August M to September 4 meetings closed recently with nattering results. Naturally, gnat interest is manifesled in the Caaadiaa llerby. Forty three yew olds of class have been nominated. The list Includes leading representatives of the turf from all quarters of America and Canada. Ihe other slake events of the meetings have like wise tilled splendidly. Tbajf include the Niagara Stakes. ,300, two-year-olds. .VS mile: the Fort Erie Stales, selling. JL.ViO. three -year-old* and npwjR-d. fhw i fiaartera f a mile, ami the Grand Canadian Steepic-I-ase. handicap. ." 0. full i"ourse. The.-e three events, with the Derby, will be run at the summer meeting. In the autumn there will be the Iro.piois Hotel Handicap. Jl.ftllii two-year-olds, five and one half furlongs, and the Canadian Spoils man Handicap. SI. 300. three-ycat olds and upward, one mile and one sixteenth. Entries in the various stakes total as follows: Canadian Derby. 40: Niagara Stakes. S4: Fort Erie Slakes. VI: iiand Canadian Steeplechase. :!°: Iro aorta Hotel Handicap TS: Canadian Sportsman Handicap. M: Dominion Handicap. 4." . Overnight events during the meeting will be of H . if.-.oo an,l aajrjO value, with no purse less; than . In ad,liio:i to the events named in the foregoing, the association this year closed the Dominion Hundi cap. This is a 0,000 guaranteed stakes at a mib and oae aaarter. for three-year-olds and upward in litlii. to be run during the summer meeting next year. The entries for this event pfiMgjae a race of excellent e. There is no reason to doubt that the Dominion Handicap will become an important fixture. The turf in Canada was never in a healthier condition than it is today. The five associations now ooer-iting. the Ontario Jockey Club, the Montreal Jockey club, the Hamilton Jixkey Club, ami the Niagara ind Windsor associations, are handed together under rile title of the Canadian Racing Associations. AH spori in the dominion has been systematized and then-is little fear that the control will stray away from the hands of those who are determined that sport for sports sake alone shall dominate .all rulings on racing in Canada. Following are the nominations for the ,000 Dominion Handicap, for three-year-olds and upward, one and a aaarter miles, to be run during the summer meeting of 1910: . K. Arrays eh. g, 4, Pinkola. E. Alveys ch. c. 3, Friend Harrv. N. K. BeaTS b. c. :;, El Oro. II. Benzingers b. c, 2, Master Eugene. L. A. Vilas ch. c. : . Masse Abe. L. A. Cellas ch. g. 3. All Red. Phil T. Chinns ch. g. ."!. Prate. Phil T. Chinns ch. g, ::. Donald Macdouuld. Phil T. Chinns eh. c. .".. Gay Fisher. Join Dyments h. c. .!. Stromelaud. William Jersts b. c. i. Donau. William Gents ch. c. 2. Sureget. A. J. Goreya I, h. o. Old Honesty. .T. D. Jrants b. c. .!. Transform. J. G. Greeners ch. e. ::. Olambala. S. C. Ilildreths eh. c. .!, Joe Madden. S. C. Ilildreths br. c. :i. Fitz Herbert. S. . Ilildreths br. e. 4. King James. Max Hirsehs b. c. 2, Kustem. George Holies ch. c, 4. Hanbridge. T. C. MiDowells b..f. 4. Ellen-a-Dale. Mrs. James Mcl.auglilins b. c. 2. Fauntleroy. R. J. Mackenzies b. g. 2. The Heiieral Armstrong. J. H. Madigans b. h. o. Ellicott. J. II. Madigans ch. c. ti, Simeoe. Heorge Odoins ch. c. :;. Traviller. I. N. Pit mitts b. or br. g. 3. T. M. Green. D. N. Prewitts blk. h. 6. The Minks. Paul J. Kaineys b. g. 2. Rosseaux. Paul J. Raiuevs blk. e, 2. Voltaire. J. B. Respess 1 . c. 3. Wintergreen. J. B. Respess b. c. 2. Republic. J. B. Respess b. c. 2. bv Dick Welles— Barback. O. L. Richards b. c. 2. Dress Parade II. W. T. Kyans br. c, :;. ECfenili. B. Xchreibers t . h. ." . Jack Atkin. J. W. Schorr- ch. c. 2. Juo. Reardon. Joseph I-;. Seagrams h. f. 4. Bouquet. Joseph E. Seagrams b. c. .!. Ruby Bird. H. L. Sliaws b. g. ."., Philauder. St. James Stables b. f. 4. Miss Sain. Scott Xayloc A.- Co. a ch. e. 2. Nasarlan. It. L. Thomas b. e. 2. Polls. Valley Farm Stables h. c. 2. William Pitt. J. R. Wairiwrights l r. ft 2. Slashing Bow. Following are the nomination! ."or the Cumuli. in Derby, which is a race for throo-year-olds at a mile and a quarter, of Ihe guaranteed value of ,500: Horse, color and sex. Sire Dam. Jiff Bernstein, b. g... Orlando Iike Breeze. Jerrymander, b. g... lerolstoiu . ...Keloola. Tom Hay ward. b. g...Cuuavd Mamie f. I.a Salle, b. g Ben Howard. . Satinet. Captain John. eh. g... Yellow Tall. .. Play till. Marse Ala-, ch. • Yankee Halo. Tod, ch. g Sempronlns . .. Elhelinda. All Bed. eh. g Star Ruby . . . Allanette. Piute. h. g F.thelhel I Ya,|lli. Don. Macloiiald. c-li. g Sombrero • ■ Berrieihile. Gay Fisher. I«. c Sain xppolh.nia. Tie peer. eh. g Batten Counts Iruia. Ktromeland b. c Ben Stronn . .. Buaeiand. Marine, b. c Vlarta Santa .. Lute. Transform, b. c Chilton MePps/ehosls. Olanltiala. ch. c irons liluc White Michael Angelo. ch.C. Oruus May Angelo. Fitz Herbert, br. e. Htbrtberl Morganatic. .lo. in. bleu. ch. • Yankee Tarantella. PUlford. b. g Ijickford Oevpetc. Wnriield. eli. c NiiHturllum . . Luckless. A roods ck b. f Hasting- Incendiary. Dlrct. eli. c Don dr. Oro. .. Detection. Sillicoe. ell. e Todditigton storin. Firebug, br. g Woolsllioi p,- 1ioken. W. A. I.each. b c Star Snoot - lilxolelta Trarellar • if. ,• p.,,i Mellxmrae Rohj Prim. T. M. Green, b. g .. ; W. Jobuson Wrerareen. Dispute, gr. e Faradai Incooalancv. DoiiHlus. b. c Hastings ...I a do Oro. VVlnlergiccii b. e Id, k rVellea Winter Itockcaatle. b ■■ Did. WeipH lleitie ireen. I III lev . I, . |||,. I, Welles lit for Tat. Itubv Bird. b. r si,u Ituov l.m Utrd Mlns Wieiian I. I Mis*, ileal lliiivens ih . c. . Star Hhiinl , .. Chapler. The,, Cook, b c Ben Brush .Climax. Vreiiuiulna h. ■• Keiuprouiua . .Vrets. I.e.- Hm*. b. g SI A-.oni. n- l.mciia C. Plata HI,- nil. c ll. hi, in i.ii/H it. 1 1.

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