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OBLIGATIONS TO H0F SEMEN DISCHARGED. Toronto, Out.. June IP. Kacing without hookmak ing continued at Dutfc-iii Park vesterdav and today. Official notirualiou of the cancelation of Hie York Killing ami Driving Cluhs charter was received yesterdaj am a- a rouae*uence the club his legally ceaaed to rxhvt. " The king ,-au do ao wrong. We bare to be satisfied." was tin- onlv comment of A. M. Orpin, who purchased the charter last vear. Mr. Orpin was determined that the obligations of tin-club to the horsemen should be fulfilled By Ihe rant elation of the charter the lease of the premises devolve* upon him. There was no betting yesterdaj and n slav except between Individuals as on the New Yt rk tracks. Ih, bookmakers pluved a game of ball in the center Held during yesterday* racing.