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GOVERNOR ATTENDS RACES AT SALT LAKE. flaswnpM s day at the lair ironml*. Sail Lake C.u h:is i-niile ntl V si|e.e .-lill .oveiie.l MpTI Ulil .:• sail ololl. I -.oil id loll lloin.-l.i- :, I I. tide. I the im..- and Ihe t-oveinoi «.,- grelflj pl.a-e.l hIIIi UW IWH eL-nl- Wbfi-h le,lled lo -.-.- .o .!l.,l SUTI Bad I olonel ,-. ,11 luoh sell* III Ihe jildg- .-land and Ho go»,niol ■ inghl Hi, li,,ll, of i... raei named is rowpiluieui to bin, large liitiiilfei of st»l mid ilv orheials V»,|i 11/ , £■ li I uc auccl* of lue luit aud Held Club.