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NO DECISION ON KENTUCKY LAW. Court of Appoals Assigns Estonia Case for Argument at September Term. Frankfort. Ky.. June 111.- -The Kentucky Court of Appeals did not pess upon he const itnl ionalltv of Instate Kacing Cominission law today, as expected. postponing the matter for oral argument to the tl Inl day of the September term. The court directs Hie attention of counsel to the questions: "Does Ihe act grant to Hie commission arbitrary power in granting or revoking licenses-.- Do the authorities each grants of power?" This leaves the situation at the Latonia track unchanged. Cincinnati. .. June Ml. President Harvey Myers id the Latrniia Jockey Club made the following statement on the action of the Kentucky Court of Appeals: "The Latonia Jockey Club has from Ihe first re quisii-d that oral argument he permit led in tin-case and as tin court lias decided to Hint olTcct it naturally follows that we have gained our point. The original in junction issued against the cominission by Judge Harbison holds good, so we are free from interference from the commission until the court finally rules on the. quest ions involved." The postponement of the ease until September leaves the Latonia Jockey Club free lo extend its meeting for the entire summer should such a tiling be desired, but it is doubtful if this will he done. There may be an extension of about three weeks after July IP. should Hie weather be propitious and racing continue to hold sufficient interest to make it a paying venture.