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GRAVESEND MEETING ENDS PHILIP J. DWYER EXPRESSES HIMSELF AS SATISFIED WITH SUCCESS ATTAINED. Mexoana. an Outsider. Takes Bedford Stakes — Julia Fowel. First Acquisition of Important Recruit to Turf, Wins Impressively, r New- York. June 23. — The Gravesend meeting that closed tooaj must bo considered a MNM, consider ins the disadvantages tliat were met and mtcMt, Tlic attendance was far lietter than anticipated and increased each day from the beginning. This afternoon EMM lliilip J. Dwycr of the Brooklyn Jockey lul» expressed his satisfaction with the racing situation and ill I toll i that lie anticipated im provement alt along the line to the end of the season. "Everything is niueh better than we antieinated it would 1m- last full." said he, "and I think the sport can be built up on a solid foundation for the future. Tliat it is immensely popular is shown by Hie iiatronage. All it needs is good, disereet management and the aid of those who are in a position to aid by obserying the law in eyery particular. I think none of the raeing assoeiations will make a great rteal of money this year, but it ap pears to be «. good lieginiiing and raeing will gradu ally regain its prestige, though in my opinion it may he years before the big stakes and purses will be bung up again." As a matter of faet. one would be perfectly .justified in describing the Brooklyn Jockey flubs windup as a blase-of-glory affair. The mercury was hoveling in the Wa and. although the big crowd sweltered In the intense heat, enthusiasm ran riot. The attractive card, it is true, lost some of its interest because «rf numerous withdrawals. The steeplechase, which suffered principally in this respect, developed into practically a one-horse affair for Watcrspecel. which had no opposition worthy of the name in Impertinence and Meddlesome Boy. The solitary stake fea-ture. the Bedford, was captured with surprising ease by .Mexoana. an outsider. Dugaus unreadiness at the start on Pretend, the favorite, explained his defeat. Pretend ran today in the name and colors of T. Moualian. who secured him from 1. J. Dwjrer liefore the race. The Golden Maxim colt had raced only once in the Dwycr colors following his purchase from W. B. Jennings. The history of the Bedford Stakes since 1000 is si ven in the table below: Year. Winner. Wt. Jockey. Val. Time. J:*pO*Ton!riuu la" Met lie ,300 :,". lOW I.ady Holyrood. ..! « Shaw 2.150 1: «J 1002 Africander ion T. Burns .. 5.015 1:02 1003 Tender Crest !M Henderson . 2.525 1:001 1004 Czaraphinc 100 I.yne 2,683 101| 1906 Guiding Star 10r ONeill 2.063 1:01 1908 Acrobat 104 Sewell 2.24.11:02 1107 ltoyal Yane 112 Mountain .. 2.245 1:01 1908 Krbet KKi W. Miller.. 2.945 1:01 1900 Mexoana !I4 CkNTf 1,100 1 : 1 1 *At four and a half furlongs. The handicap feature of the card developed a surprising series of upsets. Question Mark and Affliction. the two pronounced public choices, dropped out of serious contention during the final five furlongs of the running. Lakelands horse fell hack so raoidly on the backstreteh as to give the impression of having broken down. Such was not the case, however. The opening dash was produetive of the best and most satisfactory contention of the afternoon. Julia Powel. superbly handled by Butwell. showed pro pounced superiority over eleven fast opponents. The big Watercress Ally raced for the first time in the name and colors of P. I. Weir. who. however, is simply acting as trainer for a new recruit of importance to the turf in J. B, Gaffnev. who is a tirother-in law of Tammany Chief Charles F. Murphy. Mr. Gaffney is one of the biggest contractors In the United Slates and is credited with being an exceedingly wealthy man. He intends to acquire a first elass racing stable, and Julia Towels acquisition is the first step in that direction.