untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1909-06-24


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OL spjx!*1 ,o THF DAY GOES BETWEEN JUNE 25 and 29. | k 111 I— lafF faa I DOt rU° MUd *" Drke U a-rS *T I ONT FAIL TO PLAY MY 5 to 1 30 to I WINNER sub V *»X ■ ■■ lllllkia .00 wp xvill return your money or give yon a M-ription to our Daily Two-Horse Wire. today. Telegraph your money at once. Time until NOTE— State what guarantee you wish. noon. IF YOU WANT A _ __. «. .. c.. nol Terms: Five Dollars 4k jf 1 11 afl I »T*? m J%£ J[ for Thursdays horse. Remit bv express order, sua- ■" T, ,— -. - - " cial delivery mail, registered mail, express letter or DEAL WITH THE STANDARD. telegraph. sZ SPECIAL NOTICE. r. ■■ *e in KOI |%A/P IllPf M- l/l/firi Owing to the enormous demand for last Thursdays Uvll W vlllvl • %J f 11 vll Special clients who did not receive their wire owing and a loser was yesterdays Daily Two-Horse wire, gg mjWand- -jQ JgUVwSi Occidental . . 8-1 Won Thur8daspec" nAY and a third was Tuesdays Two Horse wire. ilvWAllU J J. I -, TWELVE WINNERS, 71 Main Street, Yonkers, RL Y. six seconds, three thirds and five losers is our record B ..n this wire for last twentysiv starts. Winners at g " TERMS: .00 FOR SIX DAYS. I aflfTI aP Q " m 1 K I I f 14. sP You are sure niissiDg somethiug good if you UlllllVaJ • Ulll Hv are not getting this wire. EXPERT CLOCKER AND •VT n l •X . ri-f j OWNERS INFORMATION. New Book Out Today. wme. M Toronto St.. Room 27 TOPSY ROBINSON, 6-1, WON Toronto. Ontario was the Best Bet "t Canada this week on middle ft„ page. This page alone Is worth ten times the price "" "SCENTS PER COPY. 81.00 PER MONTH. S3tlirl3Y, "J 1116 26l l909| /»/» % " Yesterdays loitii Special ran second. * AT THURSDAYS FORM SPECIAL: 123 in Book no. HAMILTON RACE TRACK We have one of the host £ood tliiiii.-s of the meet The Standard .Turf Guide *?aj£* i iiw vimiimuiu a Mil mmimw di,.,, Montreal the and » s„ aI they got money. Room 212 :: 69 Dearborn St. :: Chicago. 111. DRESS PARADE II 20-1 WON CHIEF HAYES 6-1 WON %/ t01"MBCafl A I xv s:"" Occasional Specials. We W m ITI 1/1 I "ill lei all new clients s. in, £, / kjl L lrl— Hamilton Those lhal lake advantage this opportunity will act our two $::.ihi Oceaslonal /"/"%T?C C ATITDH AV Specials free during the Hamilton meeting. Just VxV/I-k? andI 1 U TUI I • to convince the radag paMIc thai we are the real It is gaafaateH l» WIN AND WIN ONLY ar rsa ii f;n iati..n getters and aaarc aa expense iu getting " " ,m ""III of out sul.s.i il.cis. get three Iccasionals tree. Kemetiila-r our last X Special NOTICE We have no agaals, If vou want our ajr/NakT AT* CI iMt..iniation. you must get it dire, t from Toronto IT V/ll % A 0"*1 ..fhce. Rush your subscriptions in at once. averiinc 54 1 to ■win, j-l place and « 3 show. Telegrams will be sent at 11 a. m. daily. NEW HOOK ON SALE TODAY. = al all newsstand* and aceuts in the V. 8. or Can 11 All! g AI g ■ | W— • ■ ■•" NIW UN oALr tu 6 WINNERS IN PAST 9 STARTS. In addition to them Specials vou also get report* 1L# _*.!_ 1 on aotaaa at *ill the prlncii.al tracks, and all the IVlOntnlV Looklel « sts Is _ , J 25 CENTS PER WEEK. RandCin£ Vest. i. lavs Ionii Special lost FrM-tYl Veslctdavs Dully Wire WON. 17 »JI III. THURSDAYS FORM SPECIAL: No. 470 in Book 237. MONTHLY CHART BOOK AND INDEX F0R J1 °° ™ES? tut; TTTRF RPPHRTFR X **1- «-»««: X * ilirVll IL« DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO.. Room 311 it 18 Dearborn St. Chicago. 111. 18 Plymouth Court t t I Chicago. Illinois.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1909062401/drf1909062401_6_1
Local Identifier: drf1909062401_6_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800