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OLD-TIMERS MISSING AT SARATOGA. The absence of former noted patrons of the turf is a subject of comment at Saratoga. John W. Gates. John A. Drake. Jesse Lewisolm. Dave Johnson. James IS. Krady. E. R. Thomas. Charley Ellison. Al Dryer, Frank J. Farrell. .hie Cassidy, "Rig Tim" Sullivan and others who formerly wagerod thousands on the races at the Siia are among the missing. The leading operators, on a comparatively small scale, at Saratoga nowadays include Tom Shaw. Eddie McDonald. Jack McGinnis. Tom Monahan. Hob Rose. Rob Holloway. Frank Tyler, "Whitev" Langdon, George Reif. "Cad" Doggett. Charley Cash. George Wheelock, Tom Costigan anil other regulars.