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LATONIA TO RACE IN ANY EVENT. Louisville. Ky.. September i. While Jiere recently. Arthur House, secretary of the Kentucky Racing Commission, who is also a Latoula racing otiicial. stated that regardless of the Court of Appeals decision iu the case or the Latonia Jockey Club against the Slate Racing Commission. Latoula would hold a twenty-four days race meeting jtlris fall, beginning October 11. According to Rouse. If the Court of Appeals hands down a decision favorable to the commission, the Latonia meeting will go on with mutual and auction pools as the accommodations for bettors, but If tlie track wins In Its contest or up to tlie date of the meeting tlie court has not decided the ease, then bookmakers will again hold swav In the betting ring. "But under any conditions. Latonia will have a fall race meeting." says Rouse.