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RECRUIT TO EASTERN RACING. N » Vuk. April 5. William Ilavward. forinorlv trainer tor tie s-infords. has arrived at Belmont Park with a striae ■* ■*« namea, one three-M.i] ,,|,| and t:i- t w •• e.-u i.|,i-. front Bnaeex. N. .1. Pom of the latter are carta by Flambeau and were br.-d at It. McCartor Potters Paaajeat Snul in New Jersey. William W. Low rev a glass inainifaeturer of New York and Baltimore, is the owner of the Flambeau lsaagptm. This is Mr. Lowreys tirsi venture .m the turf, but i wuld Im- no surprise to hud his col or- I. olie- hv hnl»e- nl -take pretensions in the near fntuie. Mr. I.i.wn has already secured several well bred broodmares ami a stallion, which are the aaseteaa si a aiiiilM estahllahmrsit. It is his in teatfaa to get together material of the tii~t order and to this eld ie pains will Im- spared. Following are the names of the I/nvn-r colts: Peppereotton. br. c. by FlainU-au — Lady Trebla. I * ; — - nter. eh. ,-. ay Ilambeaii -IMsarajt. Qaaeral Cilnarrlek. rfc. «-. bv Flaaaheaa — Countess. It bin tin- l:,:ui. eh. e. bv Flaiiilnau Wa-tc. Alhniiio. !i l. .!. bv Clifford -Nana H.. and Pinga man. cli. e. 2. by Cliueianund.i Nana II.. are the property of trainer Ilavward. Nana II. will be Bhippd to Mrs. I.. A. Livingstons Ran cocas Farm Bt Jobstuwu, K. J., to be uiulc-U with Ildriui.