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SHIPMENTS TO SARATOGA. New York. July 9. — A big shipment of horses from Sheepshead Bay to Saratoga Springs was made yesterday. A Wmt rial train consisting of seven cars were tilled with horses belonging to the following owners: Frederick A. Forsythe, two curs; lielsea Stable, one car: John E. Madden, one car- W G Yanke. one car: W. P. Bunh and William Keating ear: Charles M. Hughes. William O. Scullv and Herman R. Brandt, one car. Henry Craven W H West and Jerry Murphy, who is handling llie Loril-lard cross-country horses, have also left for Saratoga. These horses will lie greatly benefited hv their early arrival at the Baa and probably wlil show excellent form during the racing.