League is Active at Albany, Daily Racing Form, 1911-09-30


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LEAGUE IS ACTIVE AT ALBANY. Albany, N. Y., September 29. George C. Reynard, secretary of the Farmers and Merchants! Mutual Assistance League, made an important statement yesterday upon the racing situation and tlw favorable indications for the passage of the GIttins bill by the present legislature. He declared that the most gratifying feature of the Leagues efforts favoring the Gittins bill and its passage Is because of the public sentiment favoring the measure. There is no lobby of any kind anywhere seeking the passage of the bill. The Farmers and Merchants Mutual Assistance League now has an enrolled membership of over 25,000, and Secretary Reynard said he felt that everyone of these members was using earnest and absolutely honorable means to have the assembly pass the Gittins bill. Almost all of the- newspapers in the state, he pointed out. had come over to the support, of the bill, while its friends also included farmers and business men who were originally in favor of the amendment to the law making directors of racing associations criminally liable If . a bet were made on a race track even without the knowledge of such director. "When it became generally understood that the Gittins bill does not open the doors to gambling and bookmakers on the tracks, the sentiment rapidly changed," said Mr. Reynard, in support of the measure.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1911093001/drf1911093001_3_2
Local Identifier: drf1911093001_3_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800