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THOROUGHBRED SALE AT TORONTO. Toronto, Onr., October 12. The Valley Farm yearlings and several other horses, were disposed of at auction here this week, the following being the prices ami purchasers: Chestnut colt. 1, by Martimas Blue Grouse; A. Whyte, Hamilton 00 Chestnut lllly, 1, by Martimas Amah; J. W. Ierrv, Toronto 193 Chestnut filly. 1, by Martimas Losiola; II. Harrison, Torouto . -. 1S5 Pirogue, ch. f. 2. by Martimas Sampan; A. E. Bradley, Smiths Falls 170 Miss Martimas, h. f. 3, by Martimas Butter Scotch: D. J. McKay. Woodstock 170 Legislator, ch. g. 3. by The Commoner Mary Cowan; T. Anderson . 143 Chestnut colt, 1. by Martimas Flicker; T. Murphy, Hamilton 140 rorcupine, br. g, 2, by Martimas Losiola; James Hamilton 100 Losiola, br. m, !, bv Loyalist Lorena Mae; K. Whyte 400 Chestnut Jillv 1. by Martimas Sampan; F. Sturgeon, Toronto : 05 Chestnut colt, 1, by Martimas Temagami; T. Mara, Ncwmaket 83