Wins at the First Asking: Bourbon Beau Makes Auspicious Debut at the Juarez Track, Daily Racing Form, 1912-01-24


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I 1 I 1 1 1 ; 1 i . 1 I ■ 1 . ; WINS AT THE FIRST ASKING BOURBON BEAU MAKES AUSPICIOUS DEBUT AT THE JUAREZ TRACK. Defeats Good Opposition in Fast Time in Handicap at Seven-Eighths of a Mile — Flying Feet Only Favorite to Score. Fl Paso. Tex.. January _:!. - BoUlhOU Beau, start- for the tirst lime at Juanz this afternoon, triumphed Iing over opposition, in the seen furlongs handicap, that had been distinguishing themselves for lie- past month or more. The big chestnut horse show I that he was thoroughly fit. as after trailing to the bend into the stretch, lie closed will a Cyclonic hurst of speed that curried him to victory over the consistent Kootenay by a goad half length. Reports as to his moie or Ii -s unpreparcdness were freely circulated around the course with stub good elect that 10 to 1 went begging against his chances in the ring. The weather was perfect am! the attendance ex-trimeiy large. In fact, the number Of patrons ps using through the gates is increasing daily and the track has taken on quite a metropolitan air. Jockey Parker was suspended for the rest of tic in., ting by the stewards. lb rode Sir Irenus il the third race and interefered so badly with Braxton that Bare] was thrown to the ground and Star Venus was cut down. Jockey Denny was ordered to accept no more mounts pending an investigation of recent efforts of his ou Pride of Lismore. Jockey Carter was taken sick and the apprentice aflowaace was waived on all the horses he hud been engaged to ride today. Jockey Wiuglicld. who rode with some success for R. F. Carman last year, arrived hen- today and will ride as a free lanee. He will be a welcome ail dition. as the rinks of the riders have been thinned considerably through the vigilance of Presiding Steward Price and his associates. Harney Schroiber will at once ship thirty two-year-olds from Woodlands Farm in Missouri to Churchill Downs to be trained for the spring and summer racing of 1012. Th" lot embraces some of the most promising youngsters in th.- collection of more than eighty of this age which Mr. Sehreib, r owns. They will be trained by Dave Vitltoe. The Missouri turfman has also ordered a string of twenty two-year-olds nhlnped here next week. W. A. Kir-win is again in Air. Sohroibcrs employ and will go to Louisville to assume the management of the string trainer Vitltoe will have under his care shortly at Churchill Downs. Mr. Schreiber has prolonged his stay here because of a hitch in the settlement of the railroad suit he tiled here over a year ago. which until the last few- days he had the assurance of his attorneys would be compromised in his favor. Now that the Jockey Club Juarez is on a pa] Ing ba-is. it has put some of the profits in added im-1 provessents to the great plant, looking solely to the comfort and convenience of the horsemen and patrons of the track. The most noticeable of these laspcove-1 ments are the overhauling of the secretarys office: the bringing of the track restaurant up to date, and the encasing of the betting ring in glass, so arranged that it can be opened to admit the fresh air into the enclosure when so desired. An irrigation ditch has also been run through the grounds to help In finally setting the field and other portions of the plant In green verdure. In time, and not so long at that, the Jockey Club Juanz track will he not only, as it is now, the greatest winter racing ground ever laid out. but as tine in all its appointments as an. racetrack in the country. Farl Llnnell has decided to give up training horses and next spring will embark in the note] business in California. He has concluded to have a pubic sale of his stable before the Jockey Club Juan/, meeting is over, and all the horses he now has in training will then go under the hammer, the exception only being the crack four year old colt Irish Gentleman, which he and his brother-in-law, J. Hoch-rein. own In partnership. The son of McGee will also be sold, but Mr. Llnnell Will dispose of him privately. He asks IS.O00 lor In- horse. In onoi more going into the hotel business Mr. Llnnell is re-1 turning to his first suixtssful avocation in business life, as before he became a turfman and trainer be was the proprietor of such an establishment on the Pacific Coast

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