Decision on New York Law: Court of Appeals Decides Giving of Memorandum to Bookmaker by Better is Not Illegal, Daily Racing Form, 1912-01-24


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DECISION ON NEW YORK LAW. Court of Appeals Decides Giving of Memorandum to Bookmaker by Bettor Is Not Illegal. Albany. N. Y.. January 2-I. While the Legislature 1 us amended the law so as to make it a crime to engage in pool sell Ing or hookmaktng tvirh or irltbout writing, it bus not changed In any respect tie- law ss to recording and registering bets, according to a decision ot tie- Court of Appeals today. iii.- court decided that tin- giving of a memorandum showing a bet by tic- bettor to the bookmski r at a time previous to th.- enactment of the law-which make- oral bookmsking a penal offense, does not constitute 1 crime, but that if sack ■ dm moran-dnm had been given by anyone connected with the bookmaker it would have constituted a crime. Ih.- cunt orders the discharge from custody of Michael l.uuibrix. who was convicted of receiving and recording beta in violation ,,f the ant i gambling law.

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