Notes of the Turf in Europe, Daily Racing Form, 1912-01-24


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, . ■ - ; I NOTES OF THE TURF IN EUROPE. Lard Durham lias suffered ■ loss by the death i bbj borse Charlomont, which occurred on Friday. January 5. Cbarlemoot was a ire rear-old baj borse bj Counl S bontbercj Drip, and winner it Ascot last June of the Itftj Seventh Ascot Triennial Stakes. Mr. C. Wood has lost his valuable four -year-old coll Chasuble, by Cherry Tree— Bauble. A few days :i_-,i the borse fell, and injured his ki i so haul.. thai be had to be destroyed. He was the winner of four g I races la 1911 besides being several times placed and was expected to even do better this year. In connection with the recent accident to the well known American Jockey, OConnor, it appears that be was standing near the door of the railway cai riage, saying good-bye to some friends, when the ioor was shut rather abruptly, and his wrist was hurt, i blood vessel being injured, lie is not expected to be seen in the saddle during the Nice cam paign, doctors having ordered complete and Bfo- longed rest. French lumping statistics for the year 1911 show 11. at M .. Veil Picar.l wen in stakes 4ti.4tH . l J. Hennessy being second with $ :.. 400. and M. Ch. Lienart next, having won 0,000. The lirst four Jockeys and the number of their winning mounts were: Parfrement, 96: R. Sauval. 83; Head, 78; and A. V. Chapman, 56. Blagueur II. won 7,600. Cheshire Cai being second with 4,000, St. Damien was the most successful sire, being credited will 2,200. The New Year Honors List includes a pCOSalnenl owner of mce horses in Sir William Nelson, who has been given a baronetcy, sir WUliam is the head Of the Nelson line of steamers, anil his hors-s are frequently seen on a lace course, both under Jockey Club rules and National Hunt rules. His colors are white, red, white and Mae sash, scarlet cap. HI s fiat race horses are trained by Fallon. The heir to the baronetcy is Mr. Janus Nelson, the well knon a amateur rider. Lan.ll.ift. Prince Hshta lubn Ofhrlageas crack two-rear-old, h-iiis la the Viiinia market as a Warm favorite for four of the principal races of next sea s .n. laclnslre of use States Prize, the Austrian Stuten Prise, the KoaigS Prize, and the Vienna Derby. Prince Hobenlohe-Oehringen at the recent general mcrtlnr of the Hungarian Jockey club was elected a member of that body. The Prince, .v.i • from 1893 to 1910 filled the ollice of president of the Union Clnb BerHn was elected a member of the Austrian Jockey Club a number of years ago.

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Local Identifier: drf1912012401_2_3
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