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PALMETTO PARK IS READY j * OPENING OF NEW COURSE AT CHARLESTON TO BE NOTABLE OCCASION. + Governor Blcase of South Carolina and Mayor Grace ci Charleston Accept Invitations to Participate J — Program Made Up of Large Fields. _______ ii I ■ i hariestou, s. c. January 2.!. — The Charleston a fair and Kaclng Association will throw open is gates it Palmetto Park tomorrow for its Inaugural meeting, advertised t" run for seventy live days. | t -1 . 1 1 1 .-. i to the general expectation, large fields arc ■ carded to g. to the i -t hi the nrioaa races staking * up the program. The past lew days of sunshine has a enabled Uoraemen t" work their horses lato condi- ii, .ii .in.: all are anxious to piiher what probably - apiteara to some of tbeai 1 be easy money. The track I- in fairly good condition and, provided no * rain fails, the going will be firm and solid. The feature of th" i «-nu i-c days program is the * Sumter Inaugural Handicap, a dash o: one mile and a sixteenth, which has attracted an entry list of J; ten. J II. :. Heilweli has been generous with his entries. « II. lias re|. res. ■ in ail hut the sixth race, ami -N rumor has 11 that his horses are lit and ready. Con- . riitions here are similar to those which prevail at [ the opening of an early spring meeting In the north. Racegoers and bookmakers alike will be basing their calculations to a great extent on the ttneas of the cooti slants, rather than M class, and the late ar- J rivals from Norfolk and Columbia will have a de- rided advantage in this respect over horses that have been here rot several weeks. The two post I in. nts have not helped the meeting, hut many j of those who returned to their homes In the north j are expected to come hack after awhile. The Un- |.n -on among horsemen is that when the rough t edges are smoothed, the track at Palmetto Park will j 1m. one f the fastest in the country, and similar to the Brighton Beach course la thai it will he springy. - Many of the city officials will Ik- present tomorrow and lie opening promises to he an invasion of 1 e.n-i,!, -ruble brilliancy. Mayor Grace will he •■ guest of boom and Uoverno* Bleaae has promised ;u eoine down to witness th sport. 1 Starter A. It. Dade, who arrived from Kentucky this momlag, was at tin- CMme later iii the day, watching his assistants schooling some of the two- * rear-olds at tin- harrier. About fifty youngsters in all were out and some of then were takim; their Brsl lesson. They were a well-behaved lot. . A. Bi-anehl had Ids two Bearcatcbcr youngsters out. with J Eddie Pugun on on., of them. This fellow showed j keen speed in breaking from the harrier and he will le a starter in the firsl two-year-old race to he run. : ltutweii Im- been engaged to ride him. .1. W. I Burttschell schooled a g 1 looking pair of allies by The Commot* t and they showed that they were I Lipid breakers. Algernon Dalugerfield and B. •. Smith arrived 1 fi New Sink this morning and both named 1 at.:, repaired to palmetto Park to Isaac llcenw •■. They were kept busy all day and almost - ll trainer and Jockey on the mounds attended t.. i .•■ i formalities of making ..ut applications, registering 1 colors :1ml partnerships, and most of those wdo : w.-re eii Hi.- forfeit list settled. Mr. Daingerfield. who by ill.- way is related to some of the first families In Charleston, will spend several days here be- : fore returning to New York. Tin- fnt that Captain Duhaln and Edward Sbev- , lin will not represent the Ptnkerton agency hen «.. , not generally known until today. Both arrived from N u York last week prepared to assume their duties, , but sfter the postporieinenl was announced. Captain ] Itnbaiii was ordered to report at St. Augustine, l-la. | l ;i ill,- change nf plans was announced, arrange-meiii was mad with Seymour Beutler to police the grounds. Detective Sbevlln will have for the north in a few day-. A i invasa "f the hotels and resorts where hoik maker igregate showed that about Ifteen layers will be in lin, tomorrow. Among those who have signified an Intention of cutting in are .lames Jackson, Henry Hunt. Sam Stephens, William Beverley, .1 dm Lewis, T. .1. Shaw. Henry Haines and Charles Wu.i. re, Oscar Bockasai baa purchased the privileges in the urn. set apart for colored patrons and a Jacksonville syndicate has bought the field book privilege. .1. i.. Crusiua. son of Nieh Cruslus of Gutteu-berg fume, i- suid to be Interested in the cosabintt-tlon. Tin- track was surveyed this morning by local engineers and was found to be two Inches over one Ullle. A delegation of sixtv members of tin legislature will visit Palmetto Park on Friday. They are • on iii. down from Columbia to inspect the plant and hi for themselves what preparations the Charleston Fair and Baring Association have made for holding a big s?.-ue fair here next fall. Word was received from Norfolk that a big special comprising several ears, would leave the Jamestown track todaj for Charlestou. The consignment will number close to i ■ mi horses and will Include the Htatdei t»f B. r. Condran. T. U. Condran, W. G. Klng-Dodds, Beverwyck Stable. William Martin. Cn Leignton, J. W. Flynn, J. W. lledriek and Eugene Moyne. There Is likely to be no service from the tm.-k to tbe afternoon newspapers. This is partially due to i failure of the poolroom Information bureau to reach an anderstanding with tie- management rela-ti. t.. tie- price for the service. It is expected that this difficulty will be adjusted, hut the real obstacle to f,.- overcome by tbe newspapermen cover lag afternoon • tpers i- tie refusal of tbe I egrspb my t. establish it- customary branch office either within the track or conveniently adjacent. The track i- situated live miles from the main oA e.