Six Stakes for Latonia Meeting, Daily Racing Form, 1912-01-24


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SIX STAKES FOR LAT0NIA MEETING. Cincinnati. .. lannary 23. — General Manager John Hachmelster was here yesterday and began work on conditions for getting the stakes for the coming spring meeting at Latouia. Owing to the uncertainty about the spring dates. Mr. Hachmeister will draw conditions for six events. The principal ones will be the Luteals Derby, the Cincinnati Trophy Stake and the Memorial Handicap. The deficiency in the number of stakes will Ik- made up with $ »i»l ami t.oiHi overnight handicaps and si oeiul event-. The entries to the stakes will close on Saturday, March 2. and the conditions will lie made known next week. The dates for the spring meetings at Loulsvil! . Lexington and Latouia will be Iked at a meeting of the Kentucky State Racing Commission in Lexington on March i." . Mr. Hachmelster will leave today for Nashville with George Hendrie, of Detroit, and after paying a brief visit with Walter 0. Peruser at Men wold Farm, the three gentlemen will hie themselves to Nupb-s. Florida, for six weeks Of ti-liiug and hunting.

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Local Identifier: drf1912012401_1_6
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