Great Prospects for French Season, Daily Racing Form, 1912-01-24


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GREAT PROSPECTS FOR FRENCH SEASON. fundon. Bug., January S3. There never wai I time when tin re u,is suck ■ clean bill of health in the training establishments of France, a great year for racing i- anticipated there, and this N reflected by the large attendance at the Nice races. The stakes for the jumping events Bled remarkably well and tin- earlj entries r,,r the flat are excellent." Thus ap ke John S. McDonald, well known in Am. in. in. English and French racing circles, who 1 has |u-i returned from Pari- and Monte Carlo, in a chat on the prospects of raring in France. "Indeed." added Mr. McDonald, "there are Is creased entries In every quarter, and on every hand I noted progress ami Improvements on every one ..f • their already superb tracks. The large American 1 OontUgeat promises to materially increase the reve nue- derived from the pari mutuels and at the turnstiles. "The uniform courtesy extended to foreign horse men by the French administration of racing is extremely gratifying to those who desire to race in ■ France. It appears to be a pleasure to the officials 1 to give all the necessary information and assistance . to strangers and it certainly looks ,«mI for the ■port on the other side of the English channel.

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Local Identifier: drf1912012401_1_8
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