Virginia Bill is Recommitted, Daily Racing Form, 1912-01-24


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• VIRGINIA BILL IS RECOMMITTED. Norfolk. Va.. lannary 23. Deliver me from my fiielld-." WaS the of John W. St . 1 die I, -oil . ..f Bath, whose antl billing bill came up for discussion ■ •■! the Boor of tie- House yesterdsy. This observation from Mr. Stephenson was called forth by the action of several delegates, who. protesting their friendship for Mr. Stephenson and hi- measure, nevertheless moved that the bill be recommitted for four it should meet defeat in it present form. A rei led .,t. was called for by tie- suthor of ii measure, which resulted a- follows: Ave-. t i «a 38. Upon tbla vote tin- bill was recommittH Ipon the announcement of the r rued ballot Mr. Stepbensou declared thai he looked upon the measure u- dead.

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Local Identifier: drf1912012401_1_12
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