untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1912-01-24


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Ex -Jockey Chas. KOERNER SUITE 4 METROPOLITAN BLOCK. 154 WEST RANDOLPH STREET. Northwest Corner Randolph and La Salle Streets. PHONE AUTOMATIC 345! 2. CHICAGO, ILL. Thursday, Jan. 25! TOMORROW is he day thai BIG SLEEPER will lie TURNED LOOSE for the money at CHARLESTON. This is the horse 1 have been advertising m this paper for the i ust two weeks. More than S3. 000 baa been spent in preparing this g" «i thing for a TREMENDOUS KILLING ! No horse in training has ree teed a more careful preparation for s rsce, nor have SHREWDER PLANS been employed. This looks like the chance of ■ lifetime for von to siring your money with the SMARTEST BU?;CH of OPERATORS no the turf. Von unite understand ih.tt it is Impossible for me to cease our :«dnt blank and tell vou every detail coast ted with my INSIDE AFFAIRS, otherwise I would if only too pleased to do so. If you are wise you will take advantage of it. The price of this SPECIAL GOOD THING Is FIVE DOLLARS, or 813 Weekly, NOTICE- No ■ ttentiaa paid to anybody unless the price f subscription w sent. The Big Killing we expeel to make on SATURDAY. JANUARY 27. ■hesdd be a ssessorahle one for yon want to remember that my people have been waiting two months to turn ibis horss loose. loa know i; tak -time to get I long-priced SLEEPER ready for a coup. The time is here, and it will be yocr own fault if you donl get down on this one, I am giving yon every opportunity possible to get w-attainted wits a new kind of STABLE SECRETS. the kind you esnldaM buy with ntewey. If you want to -ct a chance to make one good cleanup, free of charge, Hon l e with me Saturday on 1his big COUP. Promise to send me 0 AFTER THE RACE after this horse has wen at 5 TO 1. H less than 5 TO l jron owe me nothing. Send correct nam" sad sddrcsi bj mail. No posts! cards recognised. IF I HAVE YOUR NAME DO NOT WRITE AGAIN. Von will hear from me. Horse will reach yon by special delivery mail Saturday morning. Address H. WILSON care of C. E. RAHME. 38 North Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa. YOUR MONEY BACK if horse doss no run l 2 si » i Id ol ! ■ 1 ■ better is what we guarantee our :;,-i n-j Special, which gi t a sonsetime between Januarj 28 ebruary .. See sea i dition t the little j 11 n k on Sale Today at all news-stand* and office si S cents per copy, .00 a month. 1 lesdays Special, Aiasee. 5-2. third. WEDNESDAYS SPECIAL: Maroon Saturday Lowest-Love-Luno-Mean. All Bubscriptiona I rr .S- sj lal mnsl be In sot biter than January 2U. THE TURF REPORTER 138 N. 5th Ave. Beeond Floor, Chicago. Illinois. HERE IT IS: FREE SPECIAL: Do you want to get In on ■ - i thing thai goes either Friday or Saturday! if so, write me si once enclosing name end sddresa All this win e -t you i» sbonl thirrj rents, which i- the charge for :h - telegram I send von the morning of the race. Tbu meiwage will be seal collect. This offer I* ■j.. .1 until n.»ou .l:inuar 2«. Addretw JACK GALE. 1205 Wabash Avenue. Chicago. Illinois. SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY RACING FORM. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 Plymouth Court, ;; :: Chicago, Illinois. JUST PEE THE PRESS The American Racing Manual T FOR 1912 An Excellent and Low-Priced Book of 440 Pages It holds information for people interested in racing contained in no other publication. It is simply a mine of records. Among Other Features It Has: Method for Caiculating Pari-Mutuet Prices. Complete List of Jareaile Winners of 1911 Arrang -i Under Their Sires. Names and Addresses of Secretaries of Racing Associations. gearling Sales of 1011 in America and Canada, also American Yearling Sabs iii England. English Racing Records to Date. Three Handicap Systems with Examples. Records at All Distances . r the Tracks of the United States, Canada snd Mexico. American Racing Records at All Distances. Australian Racing Records. Great Money Winners of the American and English Turf. Leading Winning Two-Year-Olds Since 1S70. List of Horses That Have Sold for Great Iriccs. Remarkable Feats . f Joekeysblp. Leading American Sires Since into. Twenty Leading Sires of 1911. Bookmaklng Percentage Table. A Table of the Comparatlre Speed of the Tracks at All Distances. Seahs of Weights of the Jockey club. Western Jockey Club. PacJAe Jockey Club. Canadian Racing Associations. Southern Jockey Club. American Turf Associstion, Mexican .Im key Club a:nt of England. Table of the Mile Sj d of All Tracks. Winners of the Two Thousand. On- Thousand. Epsom Derby, Oaks aud St. Legei from Tueir Foundation. English Betting Rules. first, Beeond and Third Horses, Jockeys, Weights. Vslnes and Times of American Stakes. Winners of All Stakes ,,f v.,l. Racing Statistics of 1011. Horses Dls lualittetl in l.Hl. Dead Heats ia 1911. Horses Which Died in 1911. Horses Bid up In 1911. What the Running Horses Did in 1911. Record or allies Run In 1:39 or Better, etc., etc. PRICES: Paper Bound 50 Cents Leather Bound 75 Cents Single copies must be sent as registered mall, with sn extra charge of tea cents for registratJoa. No: reapaaafMa for iwoks sent as regular mail. With this eminently bandy booh in his pocket any admirer of racing can readily ■newer slmost soy query that may come up concerning facts of racl it in the past, it- eunal hat serer been printed and. considering the topics it irers, i; is an extremely low-priced b ok of 44 i pages. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO., 441 Plymouth Court, Chicago, Illinois. STANDARD TUHF GUIDE Testerdayi Form Special. Balelia. 6-1. third. «*► I WEDNESDAYS TORM SPECIAL: Mar, h Apide 16 22 4G-J-»-.r.J-Jl-15-27-Jl-23-32- 29:ri-4S-59. RACING EXPERT. JUAREZ: Ocean. Thiitv-six. Fifteen. CHARLESTON: Sound. Thiitv-Nim . Thirty-fear. ■TBCIAX NEW ISSUE OUT TODAY. For Sale at Ail News-stands. : 25 Ceir.s a Copy. 121 Nassau Street, :; ;: New YorK City.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1912012401/drf1912012401_6_3
Local Identifier: drf1912012401_6_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800