Thoroughbreds Sold in Mexico, Daily Racing Form, 1912-01-24


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THOROUGHBREDS SOLD IN MEXICO. uf the forty-seven horse- shipped from Kentucky last tall to race at Mexico City, the following were disposed of and will remain there, being d. stined for breeding purposes, the only exception being the geiding Msj •. which was sold for saddle purposes Administer, b. b, ■ by Prime Minister— Sarah Kimbi". Forecaster, ch. c, 3. by Alvescot Florika. ! kie. ch. !. 4. by Stalwart -Frankie. ii. I.. Doyle, eh, C, I. by Stalwart Mary Callahan. Janie Ware, b. f. :.. by Sir Dixon -OUie Kant. Mayo, .-h. g. i. by The Elector EnameUne. PoHj pne. -lb -. b. f. •:. by Hen Strome La Pueelle. I ruyinore. b. , . :;. by Peep oDay — Miss Mae Day. Ifayo, i. L. Doyle and Freckle wen- sold out .t the stable of P. M. West. Administer, Forecaster and iruvinore by J. c Fen las, and Jaale Wan and Polly Im. lie wen- sold by AI Luauder for J. R. Wainw right.

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Local Identifier: drf1912012401_1_7
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