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I • i : • s 1 • HUNT CLUB MEETING IN VIRGINIA. Now York, March 8. la r.-e. ni scasoas the hunl clubs have taken to public racing iu a way that has established a strong circuit of amateur sport conducted under the Jurisdiction of tin National Steeplechase and Hunt Association and the Hunts Commit Ii ■ Bach year aeu meetings have been added, until now it is something of a task to supply all with .laics without having a conflict. im. of ih. latest to come out with an announce-r meal of ■ race meeting is the Warringtou Ilunt club of Virginia. Parquier Count] las long bees fin. ..iu for its horses and lis sportsmen, aad the club has arranged for a on.-.lav race meeting t.. te held April s. In s.-lccting the dale the club expects to attract tome of i h - g.Kxi hors.-s which at that time will be coming from southern COUrSCl for a summer cam p.-.igu over the big tracks and ii is expected that the meet lug will be an excetletol one. !. P. Sail aloe of Warieiilon. a.. i- -o.r. iai for the club, and be has all the matters of the pie liminarj arrangements in his hands, in the immediate rlciait] ill.- horsemen are all Interested, and arrangements ai-,- promised whereby owners shipping r- n a distance will be furnished with ample stabling and good, transportation faculties.