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EVIDENCES OF TURFS PROSPERITY ABROAD. I. as- year ■ sum of t2.729.715 was distributed ill 1 stakes for races run under Jockey Club rules; and 1 there is a large addition to the total accruing not merely from the end of November to the end of . March, when there is no racing, hut at other times of the season. This is the largest sum which owners have ever had. distributed among them. Of course a good deal of it comes out of their own | pockets, .in it is money to be won by anyone who . an produ ■ I rses to win it. iSood yearlings have ■ never fetched a better a rage. who s;; at Buy real sort of promise make thousands tin dg ui.s of tin- Doncaster September sales, too long to i nuote, were extraordinary, AI the Glatcrack Club . Lord Viliitis. who. besides being steward of the ■ ..„-k,y Club, is a man of exceptionally good Judg in, -Hi and common s. use. declared that the tun had never be est in ■ healthier condition. Many prominent owners are commercial magnates -million aii.-s. Incidentally, some • then ■ large number representatives of railways, gi at shipping com p. iiii.-s. and many of the most important bnsinega I corporations in the kingdom. Looking abroad. We • tin.i ,iu_. sums i , i„. won in France. It was a i 5,000 rac thai Mushroom went over to contest; : i.ut there are s,, many valuable prizes thai little • w:i- thought of his. The Grand Prix las year was worth s7 .::oo. Uac- coins,-, are springing up in Germany. Bloodstock iu South America last year fetched an unprecedented average as the figures s gi-n for polar Star. CUlene ami other yearlings uurl autumn nbos . Loadoa Referee.