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CHARLESTON FORM CHART. | CHARLESTON. S. C, WEDNESDAY. MAROH 6. 1912. Palmetto Park. Thirty-seventh day. Charleston Fair and Racing Association. Winter Meetiag of 75 days, ill books on.. Weather cloudy. Presiding .indue, w. r. Behalte. Starter, A. B. Dade. Raring Oeuelsij, i". J. Pons. Racing sen:- at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time 1:30 p. m.. W indicates whip, S spurs. B blinkers. Fig-tzr •■- in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate Index number, track record, age of horse Mil weight carried. * ladies t re apprentice allowance. IPfJA FIRST RAfK 3-4 Mile. 1274 1:18% — I 166. Parse IBM. 3 -year olds and upward. fjfjr/ Ceils. Herat*, Fillies and Mares. Allowances. Breeders Purse. Net value to winner 00: MCOBd. 5; third. 5. Ind Horses AWtPPSt 4 V« =i Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 1311 INDIAN MAID was 1151 ,; - S* " ■■■ l* Kenaedj .1 R Wainwright 4 .". 5 2 4 -.". H66 BILLY BARNES as ! IK 9 i V : 9 2* Cftanpell W I. Lewis 4 7 4i 6-5 4 ■ 1513 CORINTH aa 4 ill i I l«g 1"| 1*1 3| J Wilson E p Cooney :i 3 11-61 1-2 1311 I, APPBLLE a I ill I S 6 6* V 4 .1 Williams D Warfield C 30 1« 4 8-6 1411 lyiua i.kk wa 4 111 • : • P V 5« C Peak w V Cnaey 3 4 4 8-5 4-5 1227 BANC WSB 5 114 Is 8 8 6s V G W CarllMrs .1 W Flyaa SI M CO 2" 10 MS] DACIA S 1 111 t 9 I I 7 7* Hopkins W A Mass. | jo u 4 . 1861 SILK Wa fi 11! 7 I 7" ti1 S and■ r-ain T I Martin M 96 M 38 M 1496 GALVBSCA wa fi 114 ! t v 7 8 S .1 Hanover Mrs F. Lutz 1". 38 81 8 4 Time. 25 3b. B6*4, laW%. Track heavy. Winner -B. m. by Filigrant — Maya I train. -d by A. Laaader. W. in to DOS1 :.i 2:30. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. INDIAN MAID, after being prominent In the running from the start. Stood the final drive gamely and u-..t up to win in the losing strides. BILLY BARM.S wa- weakly handled and lost groaad on the turns, but ran a good race and linished fast. CORINTH tired badlj alter setting the pace for tve fm longs. |,ui heMoa resolutely. LAPPIl.LE finished well and CMSe SP LTDIA I.FK ipiil after running lor wardly to the stretch. f4cratcned 1 17s Electric, 68; 1272 Miss BtaaneL 08. 1 1 i i m ■ Ightti Indian Maid. 1? [Miunds. wv SECOND RACK -3-4 Mile. 1STI— l:lt%— 4— MM. Purse 00. :! y. -ar-olds. Selling. IP OOl Not value to wii r 40: second. 660; third. 626 Ind Hors«s AWtPPSt U M "4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S ]."• "*M K!:isTt WN r 186 -- I* 11 Ambrose -l C hflhun 8 12 88 1 8-fi 1381 JAMKs BOCKERY »v W4 7 •. - 2f Gordon B s.-hreiber 3 4 I6-G6-5 4-5 14»7»PUCK wn 117 I Loftaa H Q Bedwell :: :, :: 1 l-J 1467I*FATHEROLA w lii 6 7 : i 1 1- skirvin R Davie* .". I 4 8-5 1 |4C8*8ILA£ GRI MP wa PC 1 7 ; V ■ M Bell I W Hedrick I i nVfil 1542 PARDNER wa IM I 8 7 7 C Peak L Johnson M 16 16 I 8973t*THREE KINKS s 88 - S I 51 P 7- porsythe W K Scott rt IS l. 5 -1,1!,I.ITK w m ". - ■• s 8 i,. ~.s. 11 C Applegate IS .■ S6 -"0 8 Tine. 25. 50i. 1:17%. Track heavy. Winner p.. c, by Marta Santa Caviet trained by J. C. Milam. Went to Beat at 2:5s. At jMist 3 minutes. Star! good and ilea. Won easily: second and third driving. MORRISTOWN. sfter running well up for the lir-1 half, came away with a rush in the last furlong when Shaken up. JAMKS BOCKERY was farced to go wide most of the way. bat ran well and linished fssl and gamely. Il I !K ran a goad race and t.M.k the lead OB Ibe l:i~t turn, bit tired fast under his big nreigbt after taming into the stretch. FATHEROLA only ran fairly well. THREE LINKS showed sed. but tired as if snort. The winner, entered for 61.100, was l.ii up to 61.300 sad sold to S. Louis. Scratched 1282 Lady McGee, 101: 14«8*Bey, B2: 1407 Cheer Pp. 166; 1668 Charley Bream, 07: 12S7 Cliff Top. H»5: :t:m::s Charlie OBrien. : 7: l et. ur. KIT.. PTa THIRD HACK- 1 1-8 Miles. 1240 1 M1 . 4 1H5. . Purse v 3 year olds and up-e I" fy Jj ward. Selling Handicap. Net value to winner S7.75: second, 5: third. i. lad Horses AWtPPSt St V* M Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S iK-mMo Ki.EB wa I M6 1» U 1 II Bute II r s Wilson 1 ! G M MILLER saSlM I 1 8 :•" ■•" -, - T Koernei W B CSarson - •"• i i 1 •"• 1: s-ii 1.fwki~ wa 1 82 ; : -• ■-• 11 pain* K i» W 1 8 8 8 1 1-2 1437 HZ! W s 111 • 1 " S l.ttu- H G Beds I t "■ ■• - 1. :: ■.mils FITRLONGwn S ■" I 5 4* 4 1*14] • Skirvin J C Milam 1 : 8] • Tine 25.,. 52r,. 1:195. l:47s. 2:00,. Track heavy. W, nner P. e. by Sain TberesH trained by C. S. Wilson. Wi n; 1.. post at :;:27. Ai post 3 n.inuie-. Stan g.»~l ami slow. W hiving; second ml third the sain. Mm ki.i.i;, aw. iv well and running freely in the going, moved lata the le:oi .it oace and beld sway thnmgbout. hut flnlshed doing his best. 1. M. MILLER wss hanl ridden all the way. held oa ganeelj and was going fastest and gaining at the end. IDLEWEJ8S ran under restraint f..r the 6rs1 three-quarters, but Ii 1 ground by going wide and was wearing the others down ■ the end. NADET1 6nished gaateiy. John : 1 RLONG labored In the golag. weights M.K-kler. 1 imiiiihI. vt FOFRT1I RAK 1-2 Mile. l.V»7 ts . 2 103. Georgetown Stakes. Value ,910. 1s »•• 2 year olds. Allowances. Net value to winner I860; second. 0 L third. sT hi Irirf Horaei AWtPPSt i V» % Str Fin Jockeys Owners 8 H C P S 14»:.LIBERTY HALL I " ■• I" 1 T Koertser R Ba • W 1 v i n:-. .-II.. l~i: BILL 7 1 Kennedj A i. Ferguson Ii -•, ■• 4 icr BILLY HOLDER » IK • l1 :; Wilson C W Ifortl I 12 ■r -. vi ickvi 1.1.1: wa 122 S 2 8 I] M But well G Haen ■ W I 1 1 1507 CBDAIt niKMiK a 122 I 8 " P ah C Mat loch 1- 26 U • I.VC SENATOR JAMRS « 122 1 l i: Martin I. P Doerhoefer .• M la - I l: ►!• IANI I.F. w 119 • I 7 Goose I C Milam . M 16 1 ]-. ■- RALPH LLOYD I 1.: 1 lo H * * * - efeTlfiJrl W Hurley 4 0 41 J 1 ~~~* —"~" — — — — ■ 14St*BTTROBOI8 «M 1-- 1 7 7- :" • - Jens. 11 Mr K.-.n 1 I 8 8 2-2 1307ETHELBUBG II. wh 111 ■-" 1" Shirvln 3 H McGarren S I J * 1 Time. 24 . 50*;,. Track heavy. Winner P.. c. bv Marts Santa- -Baltimore Belle drained by C. T. PatteraOB. eiu to peat .11 8:88, AI ]m sI 2 minute.-. Start uimm! and slow. Won handily: second and third driving LIBERTY HALL Ugan last from an outside position and. moving into forward contention with ti rash stood the Baal drive gamriy and drew out decisively in the last sixteenth. SILVER BILL escaped iiiuiference. :an well and held oa well throujtli the last tarioag. BII.LY HOLDEB sel the early pace, but .tumbled badly just before reaching the stretch turn, costing him nun h feround. TORKTILLB made up some ground and finished 1 lose up. Sera t .bed -i 15 i7 High Star. 122: 152«.-Taustina. 11! : 1 4s;: K,.-,|.ui - IV.. 122 pr /i FIFTH RACK— 5 1-2 Furlongs. 1280—1 Kff%— «-— 107. Parse 8380. 4 year-olds and up-O 1ST O ~and ward. SelliiiL. Mel value to w inner .7.".: Mcead. 0: third. 5. Ind Horses AWtPPSt 4 _. =i Str Fin Jockeys Owners 1 H C P S I486 A L Mil I.17K W 7 113 8 1 21 -- II 1 E Martin .1 R Wainwright I 8 6 6_j :•* 1 1 . 1 . 1 . i;i;;i w a Km : 1 41 •" ! :: ■ Turn-r P s p Bandoii.h .; 7 c, :: ggpBJ 1C4 UNION JACK. w 4 10S is I 6 _" I* Butwell G Ham l I 5 21 el 1 61 IXI.K.IIM CRAY u 8 168 7 a U 1* 6* 4- Skirvin G C Warren 1 7 6 21 6-5 l: K INCISION a 1 168 8 :; 8" #• 11 : I Goosi W G Tanke M 1j 15 8 :1 Mi i n wp. :. MS 2 - I| •• I 6| ••- C inoors P M Walker 8 s 1 M 4 .". 1499 LOVE WATfTHHfl » 5 118 I :• 6 7 7 7- C Peak R Trozler :s,s ;, 7 P1 I •■• BMP BR. WILLIAM WB 6 11C 5 8 •■ s B 8 J Jensen T Hatfield 10 Is l". 8 ■ BERTMONT WW 8 M7 3 7 7 :« f» ■• Minder G J bnv 68 166 166 46 98 Time. 25. 51. 1:04*.;. 1:1125. Track heavy. Winner— B. g. bv Sorcerer — Discard trained by A. Laaader. Went to post at 4:27. At post .. minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third drivinc. AI. MIT.I.F.R ran in Closest pursuit of the pacemaker to the stretch, then drew away quickly to win in n center. ALL RKP worked his way slcadiH and was going fasl at the end. UNION JACK was crowded 1 Mk soon aft.r the start, but Closed I big gap aiul came with a rush near the end. UNCLE JIMMIF. GRAY tired badlv Sfter setting the pace for the trst half mile. INCISION ran well. MON AMI quit. The winner, entered for M . was bid up to *5o.-, and 1 slit in Scratched -1508:Gold Cap. 102: 88324 J. II. Houghton, ins; l280*PsJsroits, 113; 1380Cardla*. 105: 1008 Starboard. 106: 86886 Chilton ueen. 103. Overweights — Union Jack. 1 pound: Incision. 4: Love Wstcbes. 2: Bertasoat, 2. 1BJ p s» SIXTH RACK— 1 1-8 Miles. 1240— 1 :54-, -4 -105. 1 Purse 8888. :: year-olds and np-OOO ward. Selling. Net value to winner 75: second. 0: third. 5. Ind Horses AWtPPSt St ]i K % Str Fin Jockeys ©wners O H 0 P I m-SKW star w 4 M6 " I 8j 8* 21 2 | I 1 I Fain J L Bryan 21 4 4 8 .".4 5 1513 DOL BULTM w 6 163 :: :: •.. •" 4 | :. ■ -■ Sklrin E McCloskey 3 :: ! 9 Pl : 1498 MONTGOMERY aw 8 113 8 4 2« 2 i" 4 • Lottaa H Q Bedweil . 7 6 :: 3 I486 KAUFMAN w 4 IOC 9 5 11 11 1 11 2J 4" T Koerner M Foley 1" 13 6 3 S6U8 ROYL RBPORTwna 5 118 12 I 9 » 8 | •* 6J 6* Jensen W E Nunn 8 12 13 E :. 1513 STALWART LADwa 4 168 : _ J ::; 7." i; »i- »." Botwell .1 N Tboll *6 ." 12 5 -; 1513 SHORT iKIKR ws .". lin pi 9 :1 8*12 I 8 .- E Martin 1 R Wainwright 26 38 36 1 ! • 150B*DETBCT w I 101 4 7 7 7 8 7 71 S» C Turner W J Young 8 7 G Ll 6 a 1500 W. GRISWEL.L wS 107. 0 10 16 10 7 M 9 9" Moody B C Evans I M M 4 usSsinclk FILE aw 4 104 11 11 9 : 9 I M 10" Ambrose B C Nunn 15 40 81 B 8 1470*FI.ARNKY w 7 PC 1 1 I] |U 11 11 11 1! J Hanover C Ri ■ •.! 1". 26 88 M 8 l458*HORACE E. WBB 8 166 7 12 12 1- 10 Pulled up. Tenhann PI Reilly 66 100 M6 N 26 Time. 26%, 52. 1:19. 1:47%. 2:01%. Track heavy. Winner -B. g. br Star Rubv — Nineveh trained by J. Barton. Weal to post :,• t ;.-,.-,. At post ;, minutes. Start giHxl and UOW. Won easily: second and third driving. NEW STR closed an early gap ipiicklv and followed KAUFMAN to the stretch turn, then rapidly moved into the lead and easily bold DULLY BULTM AN safe. The latter was farced to go wide in the early running, but finished fan. MONTGOMERY showed sudden improvement and was prominent all the way and a game third. KAUFMAN made the pace to the stretch, but failed in the tinal drive. ROYAL BKPORT Onished "ill STALWART LAD showed early speed. Scratched- 1511 Duke of Bridgewater. 110; 1613 Nanghtv Lad. 100: 1618 Sweet Owen, 109: 15in Black Branch. 105: 1527 Loathly Lady. S9. Overweights — New Star. ;: pounds; Stalwart Lad. 2. a . =r-x