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THE American Racing Manual FOR 1912 An Excellent and Low-priced Book of 440 Pages It holds information for people interested in racing contained in no other publication. It is simply a mine of records. Among Other Features It Has: Method for Calculating Pari-Mutuel Prices. tomplete List of Juvenile Winners of 1011 Arranged Cnder Their Sires. Names and Addresses of Secretaries of Kaclng Associations. Yearling Sales of 1011 in America and Canada, also Ameriean Yearling Sales in England. EhagUsa Racing Records to Date. Three Handicap Systems with Examples. Records at All Distances of the Tracks of the United States, Canada and Mexico. American Racing Records at All Distances. Australian Racing Records. Great Money Winners of the American and English Turf. Leading Winning Two-Year Olds Since 1S70. List of Horses That Have Sold for Great Trices. Romarkahlo Peats of Jockeyship. Leafing American Sires Since 1S70. Twenty Leading Sires of 1011. ft list lit ll Percentage Tahle. A XaMs of the Comparative Speed of the Tracks at All Distances. Scales of Weights of the Jockey Cluh. Western Jockey Club. Pacific Jockey Cluh, Canadian Rac ing Associations. Southern Jockey Cluh, American Turf Association, Mexican Jockey Club and Of England. Table of the Mile Speed of All Tracks. Winners of the Two Thousand, One Thousand. Epsom Derby, Oaks and St. Leger from Their Ioundation. English Betting Kales. First. Second and Third Horses. Jockeys, Weights, Faftaefl and Times of American Stakes. Winners of All Stakes of 1011. Racing Statistics of 1011. Horses Disqualified in 1011. Dans Heats in 1011. Horses Which Died in 1011. Horses Bid up in 1011. What the Running Horses Did in 1011. Etseonl of MiVs Run in 1:30 or Better, etc., etc. PRICE8: Paper Bound 60 Cents Leather Bound 75 Cents Single copies must be sent as registered mall, with an extra charge of ten cents for registration. Not responsible for l ooks sent as regular mail. With this eminently handy book in bis pocket any admirer of racing can readily answer almost any nan vy that may come up concerning facts of racing in the past. Its equal has u -ver been printed and. coastderiag the teases it covers, it is an extreseely i ,w-piio,-,l book of 440 pSgtS. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO., 441 Plymouth Court, Chicago, Illinois. »♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦ I **4 4 4 4 4 4 4 l « :t JL J I AM IN A J i! POSITION, ! 1 1 ! through my brother, who is well known II at. the track, to pui yon in loach with la- 7 O forsaaUoB, whack on aeesaat of Its exclnstre- 4% ► ness. will provo the best paying j on era 4 J rc,eiv,„. JA O it will eosse aboai twice weekly: ;i com ♦ O sists strictly of one horse al a time, and If W ► you sseaa baslneK*, and rare to !»• shows 4 it and will pay lor the legitimate, drop n.e ■ 4h O line. It will pay yon. A i My laforaMtioa will reach you HunictimeM X a a week in advance and will be coanrnMxl bl X V paid telegram the day of the race, just as X . soon as I know the " righl " ssoaey is j * placed. TeWgraia will alwaya reach yon by J I noon. 48 ► For tents and hsfonsstion, which It the ♦ ** best and cheapest to be had considering it.- ♦ value, address me, 2 |[ J. C. CASSSDY j II Room 611, 9 Beekman St., | ! NEW YORK CITY. t ** THE HORSES ADVISED ARE NOT 30-1 J O SK01S, BUT RANGE IN PRICE UP TO 10-1. 4t FREE PARLAY May Grape 25-32-50-31-53-35-19-43-52-57-51-43-34-61-37. May Orange 26-52 28-53-32-48-58-31-51. May Banan% 26-58-29-53 use Book No. 251 1. Yesterday! Form !*! ecial Hniahcd third. THUBSDAY S FORM SPECIAL: May Plum 61-59-31-45-:i0-34-49-20-45-57-34-43. yesterdays ne Horse Dslly i" 1. THE STANDARD TURF GUIDE. Room 405. 22 West Quiney Street. Chicago, Illinois. THE KAGING LETTER CHARLESTON: Oak. Ave, Aye. JUAREZ: Ebc.ny. Ava. Ail. DAILY SPECIAL CODES: CHARLESTON: Green, Pew. Par. JUAREZ: Green. Pug, Hie. Notice Cipher codes enabling you to decipher Racing Letter dailr specials are for sale hj every agent of THE RACING LETTER, price for both specials .00 daily. 25 Cents per Copy. SLOG Monthly. Room 310 World Bu:!a:ng New York City. NEW BOOK. NO. 379. NOW OUT. n gale at news-stands, dealers and ofHce, 25 cents per week. Yesterdays Form Special lost. THURSDAYS FREE FORM SPECIAL: Orange-Sunday-Mczzo-Main-Luck-Mettle. Yesterdays Daily Ihje Horse. Gilbert Rote. 8-5, ran second and we sre due for a winner. Becord on this serrice, 11 Winneis. " seconds. 2 thirds. .. losers, - scratchts. Price ■ = per v/irc, per week 0 wires. SECOND OCCASIOiNAL GOES TODAY. THE TURF REPORTER. 183 N. 5th Ave.. S. W. Cor. Lake St.. Chicago. 111. Feb. 21— KING ELK . 10-1 WON Feb. 23— SPOHN 10-i IMS Feb. 24— CAMARADA 15-1 WON Feb. 25— ODELIA 3-1 WON Fee. 2G— DAVE MONTGOMERY . . . 10-i WON Feb. 23— STELCLIFF 10-1 WON Mar. 1— JAWBONE .. 4-1 v/ON Mar. 1— DELANEY 3-1 WON were among the iiiom rwent winners of i|n- 1 " SPORTSMAN SYSTEM. " Introductory Price ljio.00 Bemlt by express money order . . lusivoly 1. HAROLD MATLOCK. Rcidins Road. Cincinnati. Ohio. NATIONAL RACING REVIEW. SPECIALS: Texas. Minstrel. Mysterv. Hawk, and _ Mexico. Mate. Mighty, Robin. Yesterdays S; , ,i„i Mt ease ■ lose* and ■ scratch. Wire was Mycenae, 5-2, V Won. NEW BOOK NOW ON SALE. SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY RACING FORM. TERMS: 5 rents per copv: 50 cents per week: SI. 50 per mouth; 7.00 per annum. As plata enveloped letter, flrat-class mail. Singla copies by mail six cents. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 Plymouth Court, :: ;: Chicago, Illinois.