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___j REMOUNT TROUBLES IN FRANCE. The "slump" among breeders throughout I-rancc of half bred horses necessary for tin- remount, due in great measure to the inirodu. lion of the motor car. his been amply discussed in the Chamber of Deputies. The questions involved arc of lie greatest import. nice to the country. Attention has been called to them by the complaints of breeders and the growing number of horses bought for ami exported by foreign governments. Inquiries prove that ihose who had taken up breeding assisted by government premiums, and the prices paid formerly for saddle, draught and names leases generally, have bees nn aid, to make both ends mo. I. I he price paid by tlw remount is the reverse of remunerative, and farmers have been selling off broodmares and df voting their attention to cattle. Competent men have discussed the question in the Chamber and Senate. It has been staled that in the event of mobilisation soon laO.000 horses would be required. Th.- slate possesses :;.iiim sires, representing pju.inhi foals annually. ut of which if seems impossible for the military authorities to procure tin 130.000 required each year. Tie- president of the Republic. acting on tin1 suggestion of M. Pains. Minister of Agriculture, has appointed a mixed committee, rap resenting the management of the different govern incut studs and the remount, for the purpose of examining the complaints made and tmggestuig the heal remedies. No doubt subscription card- bsve I..-, n given haphazard to government sires without paying attention to I he class of mare served. ,1111 parisons have hi en drawn between breeding in : nd other countries. No doubl many of the obstacles now existing are due to tie- innumerable small holdings dating from the French Revolution. over v. hhi go.xi mans have been s,,:,| from Normandy district alone, and prices paid for three-year-olds tor military purposes bj I reign :m.; have depleted the nnpply at rates tix.-.i by the home administration, something like flfteen to twenty per cut. h-ss than that which is in vogue in Germany and Austria.