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LOUISVILLE ESTRIES HEAVY ] AVERAGE OF SIXTY ALREADY RECEIVED FOR CHURCHILL DOWNS STAKE EVENTS. a Distant Points Remain to Be Heard from and Total ] Will Be Swelled Materially — Twenty-Five Eligiblcs for the Derby. . Louisville. K. March ;. Lyman II. Davis, sec- . ri-tarj ami uandieapner of the Now Louisville, , .• kev Club, is gratified over the large ramber of nominations fur the eight stakes to I"- devilled this soring at Ihurehlll Downs. Ip tliis time, the i iiinations nnniber IT», which is within one of an average of slxtj to each stake. Mr. 1 avis stat.s thai the total ■umber f eligiblea on which pavutents hare been made tor the coming Kentucky i . 1 1 is twenty five, n is certain additional Derby payments will I" received. The mail rroui Juarez has not been recelred and B. r. Carmans anal declarations In tin- Dertiy are not yet at hand. Mr. Carman has two eligible* for the Kentucky Derby this year Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. A communication receired several days ago rrom i;.l.i!ii Jasper, secretar] of the Jockey Club J nam informed Mr. Davis thai a number of entries for the spring meeting ai the Downs woald he maile. The outlook for big flelda in Ike stakes this soring at the Downs is good and the class of ma terial « ill be excellent. .Icilm Walters, who came to Donglas Park from Gallatin. Tenn., with tea two-year-olds and kia consistent performer, Mclvor, is n it especially an-]..;,,! i.v the snowy conditions now existing. All of his racers look well and are taken out for jogs • on the parkway . The crack band of racers owned by II. C. Hallen-!■ k will arrive si Clinrchill Downs from Aiken. S. c. within ■ short iim . it is probable the i - m; s|x-!l " weather will genre to keep them lunger iu tie- south than al first Intended. The star of the- stable. Worth, favorite for the Derby, is already In royal trim. Charleston, s. c. March «i. —Frank .1. Bruea, who Represented the Latonia and Louisville racing as - aaadf ■ i-i i ion- in receivius entries irom local owners for W1 stakes that recently closed, for the spring meet- ■ hk at Latonia and Churchill Downs, tonrarded from W u i. tin- following nominations: Latonia Jockey Club. 1 .1. Poo*. 13 nominations; C. Woodford] 12; Janicv MaeManos. 11: P. II. Walker. 7: May .v Worth ingtou. 8; II. i. BedwelL 7: N. B. Darts, 7: !: r Carman, il; W. •!. Vowag, I: W. E. Sunn. 3; II. V. I. Bissell, 5; W. G. Vanke, 5; Luke I.eKloud. ; | , Johnson. 1 : .1. Uriflbt. 3: G. Ham, 3; t. .1., v. :;: .i. II. Met ai tcii. 3; Bryant ft Brown. ■•: hs i; Lutt. 2: P. Hyams. -: J. . Cahn. 2: O. Bisncbi, 2: W. Barley. •_: W. f. Scbnlte, 2; I. ;.iin- Si 2; . D. Steele, -: P. 11. Donnelly. 1: i. i Coouey, 1: G. M. Johnson. I; W. J. Toombs. 1- A. I.. Kcrjcuson, -: Weber vV; Ward. J: W. Gerrt. 1 W. i. Weaver, I: M. Hirsch, 1; T. Abadle. 1: I . il. Koeherkamp. I; 1- Kelly, I; C. J. Udell, j:. Total 117 nominations. Churchill Downs. K r Carman, 18 nomiaatioM; t. Woodford, 11: p M. Wntker, ••: N. B. Darts, •»: Vosng V Iter- _i: i, g; p. Hyams. 8; W. P. Bchulte. 1: G. Ham, 4: W. Gerst, 3; *;. W. J. Bissell. ."■: J. •■ 3: L. Johnson, 4: c. J. Odell. -: A. 1 . ■• K. r. to-ii, . 2; M. Hirsch. 1: «;. M. Johu- 2 I.. l.o];l ml. 2; M. Foley . _: V. 1". Austin. 1. Total, ! ■ nominations. Hi.- lioininatioiis forwarded by Mr. Braes Cw lb* Latonia Derby Included Bronsean. Commoners I ■■;, ■::. Pliant, Sonsda. George Oxnard, Presunip-tion. Banl of Hope, Manager Mack. Cracker Box, Lady Lightning, Tom King and King l»iou.