Juarez Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1912-03-07


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JUAREZ FORM CHART. JUAREZ, MEX.. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6, 1912.- Terrazas Park. Kighty -fourth day. Jockey Club Juarez. Winter Meeting of 100 days. 10 b oks on. i Weather clear. Presiding Judge. W. H. Shelley. Starter, Mars Cassidy. Racing Secretary, Edward Jasper. Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Chicago time 8:16 p. ni.L W indicates whip, S spurs. B blinkers. Fig-uri s in parentheses following the distance of each race iudicate index number, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. FIRST RACE— 1-2 Mile. 10447.2 - 40.-. 2—115. Purse $.100. 2-year-olds. Selling. 1£Tfr/~» OOD Net value to winner 25: second. 0; third. 5. Iul Horses AWtPPSt U M ?4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P fl 1278 MAUD McKEE w MS 3 6 t | - i t* Broth I E Clark 8 8 s :: 8-6 1262LITTLE M1RDIE w 110 4 8 ll I3 -4 Keogh H McDaniel 2| 1 B 1 1 ! 1532 I SEE IT W 103 M 3 3| 4-i 8*1 Gross Powell ft Parker 4 4 4 2 1 HP; JOHN IHT.IE w 113 7 7 H H 4* Small II T Hatcheler 3 4 ! s .". 4 ". 1532 OLD Ciirp.ALTAR w 18611 s t;j 71 51 A Murray A c Key I I 4 8-2 4-2 1661 Mess ROSE w 102 12 1 -" 3-i 64 Selden N Moore 26 lO 98 8 t 1843 RE KI.KSS LAP WB 105 6 - 73 « 3 7-J Rurgame J W Robinson 61 61 4" s l-532*PHILOPENA W 86 5 ! 8 3 8 Hubbard I Striker 30 ::.i ::o l_ 1 1458 BULLY a MS 2 11 16 1» 9l H Radtke J O 8 c H Kaeae3J6 36 30 12 6 IT PKTKR HONCE w 10", 8 1 9 S 10- Eaten c C tapps M 12 1" 4 J 1416 I.KIL.VH Mc wn 110 9 10 U 11 11 R HoffmanT Y Rutherford 10 10 10 I 2 1416 DEBUTANTE w MS 1 Fell. J CallahanC M Odom 10 10 10 t 2 Time. 2325. 48. Track fast. Winner — B. f. by Luke Ward — Panlita trained by R. N. Vestal. Went to post at 2:15. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. MAID McKKK began slowly, but made up ground steadily and. finishing wilh a rush, got up to win i:i the last two strides. LITTLE BIRDIE set a fast pace and only succumbed right at the sad. I SEE IT ran well all the way, but was outpaced through the stretch by the First two. JOHN HURIH met interfer fcietice ami finished well. MOSS ROSE showed speed DEBUTANTE fell at the start. Overweight! I See It, 1 pound: Philopena, 2. * -* - SECOND RACK -3-4 Mile. 88828—1 :11%— S— MM. Parse 8860. 3-year-olds and upward. IPZPZrr OOl Selling. Net value to winner 25; second. 0; third. 5. Ind Horses AWtPPSt U _. -1, Str Fin Jockeys Owner* O H C P S 1522 REGARDS w 6 108 1 t C:| 6* 4" 1* Grose F L Murray 6 6 4 s ;, :; VBBJ BOOGBR CATTLE wsn 3 M6 8 1 S*| 2 | 2*| 2| S Johnson Mrs C I Crippen 6 8 8 3 :: jfM 1534=HIGH RANGE B 6 111 J 8 !■» PHI 3 R HoffmanR Cr Martin C-3 7-0 7-5 1-2 1-1 117:: SAM coNXoi: ws 3 M 1 5 4»§ V U is s. Men J E Pierrbn 6 8 8 :: 8-2" 1502 DOTTIE B. ■ 1 M6 •", 7 7 8* 7," 6* Kederis J Jjowrie 4 ;". 7. 2 1 144 PBNANG W3 9: 8 8 8 7 ■ 6* Hubbard I Striker 30 30 30 12 ■ 1460 IRISH BEAUTY wa 6 M6 1 . B» 8 7- 7 • Eatep H N Shipley Ji 86 26 6 4 16 t SANTALENE wit I PKi 7 ! I1 P s 8si Keogh II Ronzinger P 16 1" 4 J : :: man INC w IPC :• 8 I 3 8 3 C Brand M Baker «; 7 7 8] 6-5 Time. 24, 48y5. 1:15. Track fast. Winner — Br. g. by Peep oDay — Best Wishes i trained by W. Higginbothsm. Weal to post at 2:44. At post :: minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. REOARDS was well back for the tirst half mile, but came through the homestretch with a rush and got up to win in the last two strides of a game finish. BOOGER BATTLE ran in close and game contention from stall to Onlsh. HKiH RANGE ran well and look The lead on the far turn, but tired badly in the st rnriong. SAM CONNOB ran well. SANTALENB showed speed. MAKING acted tract Joaity at the 1 est and ran a bad race. Overweights- Booger Battle. 4 pounds; Sam Connor. "; Pcjiang. 5; Santalene. 1; Maxing. 2. IpT pr Q THIRD RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. 1 9"950 — 1 : 51 •"•-. — 5— 115. Purse $.*WK. :: year olds and iip-" OOO ward. Selling. Net value to winner 25; second, 0; third. 5. Ind Horses AWtPPSt St K M »i Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 1518*MYCBNAE wn 3 96 6 16 1] P * H !• 1* 1 II Radtke J O - c H Keeae8-G 2] 2| 1 1 I 1321 THE PEER wm 8 11" 11 8 - 2 2 | 2l| - 2*1 R HoffmanT Y Rutherford lo K 1- 5 2 1428 HlvAP.TS RELTEFW 7 10s 9 4 •■ 6 "■;• 4 j 31 :•• Gross W R Street ;. E .". 2 1 1525 I.ONIA win 7 b»s S 5 8j 8*9 8 8*6 41 Taplin .1 Hayes 1 8 6 2 1 1321 LKIIIGH w 3 96 4 S 4- T . 3 f 4:; 5] Carter W H Fizer 3 3 2 1 1-2 1525 TIPLIS a 6 IM 3 1 10 10 7"" 7!* .",". 6J c Crand I Alexander 10 16 13 6 I 1384 RAMPANT W 4 104 7 2 71. 7. 4*| 6"» 7* 7» BtMea B Mock M M 86 12 6 Ill MINNOLBTTE wa 6 108 2 7 9 9 6 | .: t 8" Keogh B C liurttsohell 6 8 8 1 8-6 1138 IJTHOGENiE wa I MS 1 11 11 11 11 11 9 Par game J G Kennedy 20 30 30 12 6 IPS R4TBINON W9U016 :; 8 33 N M 11 10,; Croth T Breedlove 26 30 30 U »• lln" CRT BAISY ws 1 N4 5 8 "•- P 8 8 10 11 S Johnson I B Freeman 16 10 17. 8 3 Time. 24. 48,/5. 1:14. 1:42. 1:55%. Track fast. Winner — B. g. by Mazagan — Bwcct Marjoram trained by 8. II. Keene. Went to post st 8:1$. At i ost 1 minute Start ■_«"! and fast. Won easily; second and third driving. MYCENAE dwelt at the start, but soon went to the front and. drawing away into a long lead, stayed well :nd won in a canter. THE PEER was always in nearest pursuit and ran an excellent race. HEARTS RELIEF made up ground and came fast through the stretch. I.HNTA closed a big gap in the last half. LEHIGH "iiiii after running prominently to the stretch. Scratched— 1518 Strife, 95: 1400 King. 10S. Overweights- Mycenae. 4 pounds; Lehigh. 4: Lithogene. 1. pTCa I "IRTII RACK -1 Mile. 13S6— ltST%— 4-112. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. 16J OOo Handicap. Net value to winner ; second. 5; third. 5. Ind Horses AWtPPSt Vi H % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P 8j 1407 HENRY WAI.PANK ■ I M - 2 1H 1*1 1*1 V 11 Belden A P Yeoman 8 8 •. 2 7 P l".17ilN.iri:Y w 6 119 7. 4 4J 5 4« 4,i 2- Small .1 W Fuller 8-5 6-6 6-8 2-5 OUI 1517MELAI W w 6 ir. t I 8sk gt| S| * J* Moleswb W hVLemore 8-6 7-5 7-6 2-5 ool 1535 IRISH CENIMAN wn 1 163 15! 1 R II ■■iTinanJ Hochreln 3 4 4 1 _ " 174 PINKOLA aw 7 : 7 :: I i 4J 5 S r, Carter r-1 Alvey 10 12 12 4 I Time. 24. 48. 1:UM, 1:40. Track fast. Winner— Br. g. by Farandole — Lady C.alopin trained by A. P. Yeoman. Went to | ost at 8:88. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the r:me. HENRY WAI.RANK rati a good race and won all the way. but his rider shrewdly stole a race that he should not have won. INJURY was kept back with MKADOW. with their riders watching one another and. when dually called on. responded with I rush, but too late to unite overtake the winner. MKADOW ran well and sMB suffered from too prolonged waiting tactics. IRISH GENTLEMAN ran a g 1 three q tarters before tiring. Overweights -Henry Wall. ink. ". pounds: Irish Gentleman. 5: Plnkola. 2. FIFTH RACK -3-4 Mile. 88823 — 1 :11 !fc— 2— IfX,. i Purse 0O. 4 year-olds and upward 7 TPZf* Ot3/ Selling. Net vain.- to winner 25: second. 0; third. 5. Ind Horses AWtPPSt U -.. % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S M66*ANGSLUS w 7 168 7 1 I :; . . 1 | K Cotton J*H Schneider 2 21 11-54-5 1-3 1464GILRERT ROBE « 5 113 I I - l -" Gross .1 H Regan 7-5 8-5 6-5 8-5 out 1588 TO SOLO ■ I M6 3 ! 21 i!l - : Keogh E F Wright M 12 II 3 6-6 I524*LABY TEND! w 4 Ml ! i B* 4 L i* Bhtep K L Jones 3 4 I 6-5 1 - 1516 BRAVE WITHERS a 1 108 ! ■ t!i 5*15*1 "• R Hoffman F Bingham 36 ■» 89 M 5 1449 TALLOW DIP w 6 161 •: 7 7 •; I 6* Taplin II Mierow 88 88 M ; I IS95 JOHN II SHEKHAN w 8 168 a I 8* 7 7 7 Selden Stern and Leey 16 1" lo 3 1 Time. 22*i, 48. l:13»/5. Track fast. Winner Br. g. by Saadrlngham Vespers trained by c. L. Sayder. Went to Beet at 4:10 At post 1 minute. Start good and fast. Won handily: second and third driv-fng. ANGELUS began siowiv. but eaa*e oa fast from tie head of the stretch and. standing i drive i finely, drew out Mini won gesag away. GILBERT ROBE ran i g »d race and hung oa gamely. YO SOLO w is i forward sod gai lontender from start to tinish. LADY TEND1 oaly ran moderately wefl. Scratched 15J2 Helen Hawkins, 188. BverweightB Yo Sato. 1 pound: Lady Trndi. 1. / * I SIXTH RACK 1 1-8 Miles. , !i:.:i.V.. 1.7,]::. 7, 115. Purse $.!0l. year olds and up-O" 1«r JL ward. Selling. Net value to winner 8888; si ml. 0; third. 5. Ind Horses AWtPPSt 4 % »i Str Fin Jockeys Owners o II C P S !"•-..! CAFPBRATA wsn 5 MS :: : I- 1- 1- :" I » 1*1 Keogh F Otis g] « : 7-lol 1474 THE B IHTKi: wa i 105 a 1 p - 4*1 -:,". .: I Taplin i. M Welker 21 2J 9-5 I FtEBNBRllKlE ssi 108 ::: J P. j- Bstep A C Chriatensen 8 8 •; 2 I W i . "a.iTahiiK w 4 168 14 8 6 ::;- f :i Belden J O fi. G H Keeaet a] 4. 7 MARJGOT w .". 168 I I 0 5»; I I :." Gross J II ichrein I l 4 :: -2 7 16 1526 VIRG LINDSEY w 7 104 6 l :- • ,, Rurganie 1 DeReque 16 M M 3 6-6 Time. 25. 495." 1:15. 1:42. VM%. Track fast. Winner- Blk. g, i.v Baaaockbarn Schwalbe trained by r. Otis. Went to post st 4:3 .. At lxnt 1 minute. Start givid and slow Won ea-ily: second and third driving. IIM CA1 IKRATA went lo Ihe froal shortly after the start and easily 1,-1,1 hj |,.:1,| nearly tbroogboot Ibe race. THE BAILIFFS DAUGHTEB came through the stretch with a rush. GRHENRRIDGK disHeared i, winner :ii the lead of the stretch and had his head in front briefly, but tired in the final drive. TAHOE finished well. VIRGINIA LINDSEY showed speed, but .piit. overweights— Jim Cafferata, 1 pound; Virginia Liudsey, 1; The Builiffs Daughter, 1.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1912030701/drf1912030701_2_7
Local Identifier: drf1912030701_2_7
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800