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THIRD RACE 1 Mile and 20 Yards 3ycarolds and upward Selling 07775 141 G 102 STARTLER br f 4 101 By Stalwart Rossa Powell Parker 41521 Butto 1 l41g fast 40 103 1 13S35 31 79i Groth 0 Banorella Nimbus Uncle Ben Ben1H 3S35 Windsor 1 141 g good 6 104 12 I I37C9 1H 92u Cragln 12 BGirl M Wiggs K Kittleberry 37C9 Windsor 1 1462 hvy 41 103 4 22 25 J Callahan 5 Volthorpe JReardon JHHton 3479 1Vtrt Erie 1 116 1462 fast 30 102 5 2k 43J Skirvin 8 Sandhill Volthorpe Busy 3144 Hamilton 1 18 154 fast 8 104 2 41 7nlBuxton 7 D March Cliftonian Scrimmage 3036 Hamilton 1 l45fc slop 10 100 1 12S61 4l 5 J Lounsby 11 QMark Cliftonian FMholland 2S61 Montreal 34 1158 good 20 104 11 10 10 Ambrose 11 Lady Irma BctticStic Suffragist 2S02 Montreal 34 116 slow 15 98 2 31 3J Ambrose 5 Capsize Sherwood Carrillon 1257 Juarez 1 1391 fast 8 105 4 2 4 1 Hill 4 DanMarch Crossover HWalbk 1161 Juarez 34 114 fast 20 107 7 7IOS9 7 7 Murray 7 Goldflnn Oxer Thistle Belle IOS9 Juarez 1 1392 fast 4 101 4 32 5lRosen 5 HWalbank Doncaster Crossover 1063 Juarez 1 13S1 fast 31 98 1 4 484 J Callahan 4 Injury Meadow John Louis 1029 Juarez 1 139Z fast 21 101 2 2BERT U 22 Gross 4 John Louis ButBall J H Rctd RctdBy BERT GETTY b K 4 103 10342i By Bannockburn Geheimniss B Schreiber 42i Butte Iin20y l41g slow 15 105 3 22 lnk Cavangh 6 Col Cook Engraver M Angelo 412 Butto Im20y 1471 mud 116 10 5 = i I1 S Johnson S MissKorn Gretdicn G Charreta 4099 Butte Iin20y 1442 mud 10 109 5 23 2 J Henry 7 JLaxson irotrheii Onatassa 4000 Salt Lako FG110 fast 31 109 5 4 23 J Henry S Ossian Auto Girl St Joe Joe32J 3915 Salt l ako 1 1411 fast 41 109 7 32J 2S P Boland 10 First Fashion Ossian Wicket 3SSS Salt Lik F C 112 slow 41 106 10 5 43 S Johnson 10 MeAIan Lord Clinton Visible VisibleG 378 Salt Lako 58 101 fast 4 109 6 G 41 S Johnson 9 Parnell Girl King Earl MasGuy 3197 Latonia 31 115 slow 118 103 8 8SOU 8 7 3T Davles 9 Galley Slave Jacobite Salall SOU Latonia 34 113 good fid 113 11 11 11 Fain 12 Hedge Nonpareil McClintock McClintockBy NELLO br f 3 91 9142S9 By Peep oDay Thoughtless W E Scott 42S9 Butte fJ f 1 07 fast 96 105 4 4 3 = 3 Taplin f LadyMacy LittleJane TKnight 418 Butle F C 1091 fast 2 102 4 2 2 Gross G J F Crowley TKnight Engraver 3 is Salt Lako F C l09g fast 166 101 1 13 2i Carter 8 Goldfinn ThlstleBelle Sh Spray 3721 Salt Lako FC109 fast 5 103 3 22 I1 Gross 7 Meddling Hannah Oxer Goldfinn 3613 Salt Inkc 61 f 107 fast 2 107 1 11 I2 Taplin 10 Valhal Col Cook Fl Fashion 3373 C dAleno 51 f 1072 slow 95 101 5 3 4JJ Hill 9 Lady Tendi Rose Sweet Sanel 3311 C dAlene 34 113 fast 185 103 4 2 2 Hill 8 FlorRobcrts Manassch MEuilly 3160 C dAlene El f 1062 fast 86 98 3 fi 53J Forsythe 8 BGnleaf LTendi GMarchmont 2690 C dAlcne 31 114 fast 136 96 3 4 4B Hopkins 7 EyeWhite SirFretful RichRecd 2666 C dAleno 34 115 mud 66 100 4 31 4 3 Hill 9 Sidon Free Banorella 2297 G dAlcne 34 1132 fast 185 93 4 11 Il Hill 9 Ada Meade EdKeck Knt Deck 2244 C dAlene 58 1011 fast 76 99 4 2 1 Forsythe 9 Swagerlator S Cut Ben Ston 1217 Charleston 51 f 1092 good 4 104 1 1DICK 32 4JJ WilllamB 8 Grlf Lewis Jim Ray DICK BAKER br c 4 106 By Gold Heels Sanctissima V Barker 421 Putto 1 l4g fast 60 10S 9 941M6 7s fi J I Boland Banorolla Nimbus Uncle Ben 41M6 Butte 1 316 2031 slop 31 111 3 45 3 D Boland i Azo I5en Tineas Montgomery 37S5 Salll ake Im70y 1431 fast 30 97 1 3 3 3Mclowll 4 Meadow Cherryola Ixjchiel 3705 SaltLakc Im70y 141 fast 100 98 1 5 51i McDowll G Spohn Cu Bon Jenny Geddcs 22 Salt Lake 1 140 fast 80 100 2 4 4JI McDowll Lochiel Cn Bon Cherryola 3499 Salt Lako 1 116 l4Gj fast SO 95 5 5WOOG 5 52ftin Cotton f Lochlcl Meadow Cberryola WOOG G dAlcne 1 18 1551 good 25 101 3 3PSPOS oh 571 C Ross 7 Roy Junior Rako Acumen Acumen41B PSPOS GdAlene 1 14 2032 good 5 107 5 59S8S5 41B 451 Gross G Rake Ocean Queen Ed T Fryer 9S8S5 G dAlcno 1 1S 155 slow 8 101 1 5 4lljSelden 6 RoyTunlor Banorella Marigot MarigotC 9SS05 CdAlene 1 14 2101 slow 31 96 3 3MICHAEL C 6 0JC Ross G Zoroaster OeanQneen RJunlor RJunlorBy MICHAEL ANGELO ch h G los los4iW By Ornus May Angelo H G Bedwell 4iW Butte Im20y l44g slow 13 10S 6 62S74 3 4iJ Iorsythc G Bert Getty Col Cook Engraver 2S74 OdAlcne 1 11 R 1491 mud 31 116 3 25 2l Forsythe t Discontent I Knri iK NMcDcc 2763 GdAlene 1116 1481 fast 115113 2 2270S 12 2 Forsythe 5 AVhiddcn Sake Juan 270S G dAlene 7S 126 fast 100 102 7 7 7IB3Korsythe 8 Enflcld Carlton G Yinlr 192 Gliarlesn 1 116 1472 fast 15 117 9 9ISGO 51 514 J Hanover lt LyMcGeo SwOwen DBultman ISGO Charleston 1 1402 fast 50 109 2 299S78 5 5IK J Willlaing 1 Limpet Rey Effcndl 99S78 Columbia 1 147 hvy 31 114 6 42 5lForchand G F Duster Hclene W Griswell 99328 Columbia 1 116 1521 hvy 32 111 3 3KS05 2 2i Forsyth 4 Maromara Profile Muff MuffInk KS05 Columbia 1 116 146 fast 3 106 3 Ink 21 Forehand 6 Helcne Troy Weight Mar mnra 99758 Columbia 1141 fast 5 113 8 52 21 Forsyth 8 Hatteras Helene Otllo 99733 Columbia 11411 fast 21 112 3 399G79 7 710 Forehand 8 Camel Clem Beachey Roebuck 99G79 Columbia 1 116 153 good 75 110 3 11 2 Forehand G D Bultman Montagnie Proflie ProflieBy SIR CLEGES b R 7 105 10542I By Falsetto Florika Denver Stable 42I Buttc 1 IMlg fast 25 108 7 9 918 J Mclntyro Banorclla Nimbus Undo Ben 4191 Vancouver 7S 1268 fast 110 4 4l 55i J Mclntyre G Tom McGee HWalbank Figent 4112 Vancouver 34 115J slow 112 5 41 43 J Mclntyre H Imprint H Walbank Parlor Boy 409 Vancouver 34 114 fast 112 2 2S951 31 4j J Mclntyre G Beda Imprint Elmcta Hamilton S951 Vancouver 7S 1262 fast 107 6 63S07 22 31 Kcogh 7 Sigurd Beda Muff 3S07 Vancouver 1 140 fast 109 1 1R5l 25 3J J Mclntyre 55 Mnff Maromara Lowccn R5l Vancouver 7S 127 fast 114 2 1 2i Hopkins 5 Ixwcen Cisko Henry Walbank 3393 C dAlcnc 78 127 slow 135 107 4 32 21 H Hoffman 5 Jack Paine Acumen Cu Bon 3101 C dAlcnc 1 1401 faat 1710 110 5 5r039 2k 33S Hopkins G Cu Bon Juan Oxer r039 C dAlene 78 128 slop 46 111 fi fi2S71 21 3 J Hopkins 7 Daddy Gip King Elk Cu Bon 2S71 C dAleno 78 1272 mud 236 110 4 3h 2 Hopkins G Uncle Ben Nimbus Kootenay