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FIFTH RACE 1 Mile 4ycarolds and upward Selling 97794 l3S f 9 US OSSIAN b g 0 3 105 By Florist Princess Annio H Bagley 42SS Buttc 1 1422 fast 10 109 2 = 1 23 Pauley 7 Cabin Charreta Oblivion 4240 Buttc 1 1MI fast 41 111 31 37 Pauley 8 M Korn Hawley Beatrice Souls 4206 Butte 1 l42g fast 12 10S 2J 22i Pauley 7 Azo Marigot Sir Barry 41SO Butte 5 5400T 51 f 108 fast 6 111 111F 32 3 i Rooncy Hen Stone Definite Tippy 400T Salt Lako 1 F C 110 fast 136 109 lil 1 Rooncy S Bert Getty Auto Girl St Joe 3971 Salt Lake 1 1402 fast 20 103 3 3 C H Miller fi Arbutus The Monk Misprisioti 3945 Salt Lako 1 1412 fast 16 111 111F 22 3 1 Rooney 10 FirstFashlon BortGetty Wicket 3SSS Salt Lake I F C 112 slow 6 106 6 5 Anderson 10 McAlan Lord Clinton Visible 3717 Salt Lake 34 113 fast 15 111 1117S 8 7lPauley 9 JStryker Sid Peters Tlllingbast 95349 Pensacola 7S 132 J good 4 116 451 Pauley SweetOwen StDunstan Himcock 90293 Pensacola PensacolaICARIAN 58 l03jj good 10 113 2 Pauley 7 LoveWatches Bavcrstn Stafford StaffordBy ICARIAN b h 5 By Wadsworth Nadage Doree T H Stevens Stevensli 4209 Buttc ll42g fast 4 10S C G 5 li I Cavnngli 9 Ctiarrcta Littleton Miss Picnic 4126 Bultc 34 1172 mud 115 112 8 7 5 2i Taplin 8 Voting Flying Lee Harrison II IIS2 3372 G d Alone 1 l42g slow 235 109 4 fi 7 732S3 S2 6 ° Groth 11 The Peer Marigot Exchequer Exchequer3h 32S3 C dAlcne 1 1412 fast 35 109 1 5 5 3h 2T W Fischer 11 KStewart Excheqr LRosston 3106 G dAlene 1 l41j fast 10 116 9 5 5 7 Fi Taplin 10 Littleton B Soule Johnstown 2912 G dAlcno 1 1S 1551 fast 15 113 234 2342SH1 3l 2s D Boland 8 Juan Johnstown Rake RakeC 2SH1 C dAlene 51 f 1081 fast 16 114 7 6 C 61 Corey 8 Efficiency Hand SatchPl Calln Calln7il 2707 C dAlcne 5i t 1 091 fast 20 109 11 12 12263S 7il 74J Corey 12 MeAIan O Shore A Schneider 263S C dAlene 34 115 fast 8 111 10 11 11 11 Corey 12 Galene Gale Descendant Roy T 2505 C dAlene 5S 1021 good 136 112 7 8 62 3 Corey 12 Blackshccp TMurpby Bucolic BucolicBy AFTERMATH b g 8 111 By Star Ruby Recollection Fairfleld Stable 4206 Butte 1 142 fast 4 111 7 6 6 6 61 Taplin 7 Azo Ossian Marigot 3771 Salt Lake 1 142 fast 61 105 1 4 4 31 I3 Taplln 7 Cabin Round Round AMcGce 3623 SaltLake 1 116 1482 fast 16 11 121 Taplin 8 Misprision Montatik Don Zahra T565 Salt Lake 1 1421 fast 10 111 6 2 3 52 691 Taplin S Cabin Zahra Ben Uncas 3372 C dAlene 1 1422 slow 20 106 7 11 11 10 7i ° lCorey 11 The Peer Marigot Exchequer 3358 C dAlene 34 1161 slop 16 112 1 7 6 671 Hopkins 8 Sam Barber Hawley Footloose 3283 C dAlene 1 1412 fast S 107 7 10 9 8 53 C Grand 11 B Stewart Icarian Exchequer 3211 C dAlene 1 1431 fast 8 111 1 7 7 421 5 1 Hill 8 MEmily S Barber M Bouquet 2808 C dAlene 1 1422 fast 1245 110 6 3 2 3 3i Taplln 8 Dr White Chief Desmond Cnbln 2689 C dAlene 1 116 1482 fast 26 111 7 3 2 2250S 21 42J Buxton 9 Layrainster Salpearl Wbldden 250S C dAlene 7S 1281 good 11 109 3 2 4 6s 6lolBuxton 11 Godfather Rota Voting 2444 CdAlene 1 11C l51g mud 8 108 2 4 4 4BIG 4 31 Taplln 6 Zoroaster Robert Sam Barber BarberBy BIG CLAIM ch g 4 105 By McGee Lucille Murphy VT St Vincent 42S6 Butte 1 l42g fast 11 105 3 1 1 1 1 Tapliu 9 Lew Hill Bellsnicker Flving FlvingC 4237 Butte F C 1111 fast 5 104 2 2 C 618lTaplin 10 Susan F Hazel C Patriotic 4127 Butte 34 117 mud 20 109 6 G 6 6i ° McDowll 7 Balronia Lord Clinton Visible 4007 Salt I ake F C l10g fast 10 103 3 5 5 5s Carter 8 Seagreen Hazel C Tube Rose 3972 Salt Lake 78 127 fast 10 101 8 6 6 7 781 Carter 9 OSraile GRussell Gretcben H 1278 Juarez 34 114 fast 8 109 10 10 11 11 C H MillerlS G Ruby L Stalwart Mapleton 1200 Juarez 34 1132 fast 15 109 9 11 82 35 C H Millerl5 Abound Bill Eaton Mapleton 1162 Juarez 34 115 fast 30 107 3 35S 10 72 5 C H Miller 14 GHartridge DocAlien King Elk 1102 Juarez 5S 100 fast 15 113 9 9 81 S9 C H Millerl4 Phil Connor Par Girl Hazel C 1091 Juarez 61 t 1072 fast 30 105 9 95S 10 10 1018 Borel 10 Sir Ireuus Mandadero Gift 1054 Juarez 5S 102 fast 20 109 7 7 21 31 Rosen 14 Odelia King Elk Sklllute Sklllute3h 99964 Juarez 61 f 108 fast 10 108 12 9 3h 5 Borel 13 Masalo Oonoomoo King White WhiteBy FAIR LOUISE br m K 105 By Ogden Flora Pomona J W Young 3972 Salt Lake 7S 127 fast 8 109 7 5 7 6 451 Buxton 9 OSmile GRussell Gretchcn G 3944 Salt Lake 1 141 fast 8 109 1 5 4 43 38i Anderson 9 Oblivion Portarlington B Uncas 3787 Salt Lake 1 1411 fast 51 108 1 7 5 5S676 61 6s Buxton 10 GRussell ColCook Gretchen G S676 Salt Lake F C 109 fast 6 110 4 4 43 43J Fain 7 DStafford MHannah The Monk 3562 Salt I nke 34 1131 fast 7 110 8 7 61 3f Taplln 8 NQuarter FGHogan Portartn 3500 Salt Lake 1 1411 fast 8 112 1 3 3 4s 431 Fain G J Laxson Montgomery Arbutus 3469 Salt Lake F C 1091 fast 20 111 1 7 732SO 7 7 i Fain 8 Cbanticlor KnDeck LittleJane 32SO C dAlene 1 142 fast 31 109 4 4 2 2nk lh Hill 11 Adena Rcene W Oswald B 3213 C dAlene 1 1412 fast 186 103 5 5 3 2nk 45 Hill 11 Eddie Mott Onatassa Whldden 3064 C dAlene 34 114 fast 30 108 5 5 31 21 R Hoffman 8 Banorella NoQuarter TlIHnght 2950 C dAlene 34 1152 mud 12 109 9 10 10BEATRICE 74 6 Taplln 11 BenGreenleaf Binocular Blondy BlondyBy BEATRICE SOULE b f 4 105 By Peep oDay Misi Dixie E O Soule 4240 Butto 1 141 fast fi 102 266 2663S40 4h 47J Gross S Miss Korn Hawley Ossian 3S40 Salt Lake 1 142 fast 10 102 3 4 5 31 45 S Johnson 7 The Monk Stare Marigot 3720 Salt Lake 1 142 fast 10 106 7 5 7 51 32i J Henry S Ben Uncas Mary Emily Marigot 3500 Salt Lake 1 1411 fast 10 107 5 4 6 632S2 5 SujCarter G J Laxson Montgomery Arbutua 32S2 C dAleno 1 142 fast 66 100 2 4 5 3 I1 Kederis 10 FtJohnson The Peer Johnstown 3215 C dAlene 1 143 fast 86 109 6 3 3 21 21 Gross 9 Recne W The Peer Wicket 3100 C dAlene 1 l41g fast 41 104 2 6 8 32 2 Gross 10 Littleton Johnstown Zulu 2985 CdAlene 1 116 148 mud 21 99 3 3 6 62S09 4 3 1 Hill 7 Sake Littleton Spaldlng 2S09 C dAleno 1 l42g fast 21 104 8 8 4 2 41 J Mclntyre 0 Salpearl Johnstown F Johnson 2759 C dAlene 34 1142 fast 30 102 5 7 7MISPRISION 52 3 i J MclntyrelO Cantem Clint Tucker Kn Deck MISPRISION ch m 8 109 By Intrusive Lucky Pet Quinlan Higel 4240 Buttc 1 111 fast S 109 354 5 58 Shriner S Miss Korn Hawley Ossian 3971 Salt Luke 1 1402 fast 6 109 5 5 4 4 411JGross 5 Arbutus The Monk Ossian 3774 Salt Lako 1 l42jj fast 5 103 589 4 li Gross 9 Zahra Hannis Wicket 2 323 SaltLake 1 116 1182 fast 12 107 3 6 5 3 22S Gross 8 Aftermath Montauk Don Znhra ZnhraG 3513 Salt Lake 1 142 fast 20 107 6 6 5 G 581 J Henry 7 Ed Graney Wolferton R River 2942 C dAlene 1 18 1551 fast 9 106 1 6 6 51 5f Anderson 8 Juan Icarian Johnstown 2743 C dAlene 1 l41g fast 40 110 6 9 9 9 81TlBurgame 10 HHutchison FGuard BGIeaf 2317 C dAlene 1 1422 fast 7 108 2 7 7 6 58 Gross 7 Maizie Girl My Bouquet Oscuro 2104 C dAlene 1 143 fast 6 108 6 5 5 4 4 J Gross 5 Florence A E Stewart Marigot 1770 Juarez 1 1112 fast 10 104 10 11 11 71 6s A Murray 11 KiddyLee KMovIng LilyPaxton 1685 Juarez 1 1401 fast 15 104 2 6 8 81GOO 7 7 2 Gross 8 Abound Bob Farley Layminster 1GOO Juarez 1 1S 159R mud 31 105 4 4 4 4 49 Gross 4 Onatassa Jim Caffcrata Figent 1548 Juaroz 1 1401 fast 4 104 3 6 5 45 22 Gross 6 Oc Queen P Vision FlyK P arl