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SIXTH RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds Soiling 97427 112 7 110 ERROR ch o 3 107 By Hippodrome Black Beard C W Gasser 4284 Putto F C 111 fast 13 10S 3 2k 2 1 I Boland S Thistle Belle No Quarter Cool 4241 Buttc F C 110R fast 146 105 4 41 5 Buxton 7 Detinite Miss Sly Cool Cool3J 4142 Butte 34 116K slow 10 107 7 3J 2 Buxton S Tim Judge Hugh Gray Susan F 4011 Salt Lako F C 109 fast 6 108 4 51 5B3 D Boland S Tim Judge Joe Knight Ilawley IlawleyH 3912 Salt Lako 1 1412 fast 8 100 5 H 21 Buxton 7 Montgomery TLaxson GRussell 3787 Salt Lake 1 1412 fast 8 104 4 31 44 Anderson 10 GRussell ColCook Gretchcn G 3C67 Salt Lake F C 1102 fast 165 114 4 3s 11 Fain 7 Pickaninny MPicnic GHartge 3542 Salt Lake 34 113 fast 20 104 7 7 7 Anderson 7 KnDeck M Hannah Little Jane 3472 Salt Lake F C 1101 fast 8 106 4 42 3 Anderson 11 NoQuarter OrbaSmile KidNorth 3163 C dAlene 1 1412 fast 10 103 2 32 4TJ Burgarac G L Sawyer Manasseh Slecpland 29r0 C dAlene 34 1151 mud 9 105 7 61 533 Buxton 11 BenGreenleaf Binocular Blondy 2S06 C dAlene 51 f 108 fast 61 112 7 33 3 1 E McKwenl2 F Fashion Moralight McAlan McAlanS 2787 C dAleno 51 f 1072 fast 5 105 11 S 710 Buxton 12 LadyTendi Roberta GHartrldge 2675 G dAlene 34 115 fast 7 105 2 31 2h Buxton 11 Miss Picnic M Hyde Sorrowful 2549 C dAleno 51 f 1081 fast 18 109 2 2EVELINA 3 21 Cavanch 8 Efficiency Fleets Fashion Narfl NarflBy EVELINA b f 3 107 By Mazagan Crowned Queen Chicago Stable Stable42i 4258 Butlc 31 114 slow 30 105 7 42i 5 Cavangn 8 Tremargo Tim Judge Passenger 4202 Butte 51 f 109 fast 115 103 1 15 Il Cavangh S Saltigrade Gerds Miss Rhoda 3912 Salt Lako 34 l13g fast 1110 102 9 4 4 1 Buxton 10 Finnigin Visible Glennndnane 3909 Salt I ake 5S 1002 fast 21 101 4 5 42J Buxton 11 Descendant Itamsy Hawley 3851 Salt Lake 61 f 107 slow 65 101 2 2 23 Gross 7 TKnight Voting Burning Bush Bush2k 3671 Salt I ako 51 f 107 fast 146 101 S S3Tr3 2k 23 J Henry 8 LaCazadora AtiloGIrl Kid North 3Tr3 Salt Iiko 51 f 1071 fast 31 101 fi fiSTIO 4 32i Gross 7 Gold Point Orimar Lad MEraily STIO Salt Lake F C 110 fast 41 104 3 41 3 Gross 7 FFashion M Emily Dr Neufer 3172 Salt Lake F C 1102 fast 4 97 7 7IGSS 61 5i Carter 11 No Quarter Orba Smile Error IGSS Juarez 61 f l07 fast 6 108 6 67 5 1 H Radtke 8 Acguin Hardy Droml Droml6s 1582 Juarez 51 f 1082 fast 21 108 7 6s 65i Molcswh 10 Hardy Droml Frazzle Frazzle32J 1545 Juarez 51 f 1OC2 fast 4 108 1 32J 43 G Grand 4 Mary Emily Droml Acguin 1443 Juarez 51 f 108 fast 20 110 5 6J1 Acguin6J1 321 C Grand 8 Amohalko Acguin Free Freelh 1254 Juarez 61 f 1072 fast 8 104 3 3SLEEPLAND lh 11 Moleswh Ifi Odelia FlorcnceKrlpp Hazel C SLEEPLAND ch g 3 109 By Dolce Far Niente Ld of the Free WLBchaefer 4143 Uuttc F G l12g slow 5 99 4 321 I1 Forsythe 9 ASlupskey MHyde Miss Picnic 3015 Salt Lake 1 1412 fast 8 102 8 7 S17 Buxton 10 First Fashion Bert Getty Ossian 38JO Salt Lako 1 142 fast 12 97 4 Marigot4s 5 53 Carter 7 The Monk Stare Marigot 3720 Salt Lake 1 l42g fast 30 9S 6 4s C5 McDowll S BlTncas MEmily BeatrlceSouln BeatrlceSouln5nfc 3670 Salt Lake 1 141 fast 40 98 4 5nfc 5 McDowll 8 Onatassa Gretchen G B Uncas 3375 C dAleno 1 1422 slow 2 05 4 31 21 Hopkins 8 Hamaway Dovalta Roseworth 3163 C dAlene 1 1412 fast 20 100 fi 42 3T Hopkins G Lieut Sawyer Mannsseh Error 3009 C dAlene 78 l27j good 50 106 6 62SS5 G 4 3Cavangh 8 Rota Juan Old Mexico 2SS5 C dAlene 78 1271 fast 60 104 7 8 7lCavangh 8 Dudo Fleet Fashion Manasseh 2643 C dAlene 1 1402 fast 13 101 7 5 61l Hill 7 L Sawyer Manasseh N McDe9 2509 C dAleno 34 115 good 15 107 7 S 8ls3Cavangh 9 Glmll LSawyer MadMusgrnve 2337 C dAlene 1 1433 fast 4 101 8 24 ink Schweblg fl Oswald B Elgin Old Mexico 2260 C dAlono 34 1151 fast 41 96 6 6GREAT 42 31 Forsythe S Mnltn Tippy Sona SonaBy GREAT FRIAR ch c 3 112 By Th Friar The Queens Gambit CTBrownfleld 1 Warren 9 Gold Point Ilfrun Merode 4201 Buttc 51 f l07g fast 20 110 4 7 7 Warren 7 F Fashion f Gootz Aunt Alice 4124 Butto 5S 102 slop 135 107 fi 4 31 Buxton U Lovr Pay Ilfrun Tillinchast TillinchastS 3913 Salt Iako F C 1092 fast 20 106 7 S R10JBuxtnn K Goldflnn Nello Thistle Belle 3841 Salt Lake 34 113 fast 40 102 5 41 6 S Johnson S Little Jano ButterBall Cool 3721 Salt Like F C 109 fast 25 106 7 7 710 Buxton 7 Nollo Meddling Hannah Oxer 3384 OkCity Ab7S 128 fast 21 103 EM OxerEM Irvln 8 Marehmonet Imprint Engraver 3364 OklaClty 34 1178 fast 75 115 6 3 Nicol 8 John R Clay Ferrona Lalole 2051 OklaCity 34 1221 mud 910 107 1 Warren G Camnrada Opotchno Visible 2960 Okla City 34117 fast 6110 113 31 Nicol G A Rose Marsand Light Knleht 2813 OklaCity 34 1161 fast 62 103 Imprint3nk 63 Irvln 7 Transparent Engraver Imprint 1335 Juarez 34 1122 fast 4 95 4 3nk 441 Hill 5 Delaney Manasseh N McDee 1265 Juarez 34 1131 fast 6 112 3 2 ink Estep 7 Free Dudo Moralight 1190 Juarez 34 1131 fast 6 1Q7 2 2LOVE 22 3I Carter 9 Nannie McDee Dudo Acguln AcgulnBy LOVE DAY b C 3 112 By Peep oDay Lovelight J Hoctroin 4124 Butte 5S 1021 slop 6 107 2 li 11 Gross G Ulfrun Great Friar Tillinghast 3941 Salt Lake 1 141 fast 6 102 9 7 613lTaplin 9 Oblivion Portarlington FLouise FLouise4nk 3853 Salt Lake 7S 127 good 6 106 5 4nk 4 Gross G Col Cook Rue Clint Tucker Tucker32j 3718 Salt Lake F C 1101 fast 10 103 2 32j 21 Gross S Passenger Lady Tendl Lescar 3563 Salt Lake 51 f 1071 fast 20 104 2 61 6S3 J McBrldo 7 Gold Point Oriraar Lad Evelina 3373 C dAlene 51 f 1072 slow 50 106 6 9 81 J Hanover 9 Lady Tendi Rose Sweet Sanel 3102 C dAlene 58 102 fast 25 108 4 429S4 11 I1 R Hoffmanll Ramsy Ly Loundes JaneLaurel 29S4 C dAlene 58 101 1 mud 40 100 8 6 71H1H 8 LStalwart Amerlcus Swagerlr 2038 C dAleno 58 102 fast 16 110 8 7 6UG Grand 12 TomMurpby Lo Mio D Co u race 97792 Butte 58 101 fast 60 103 9 9 9 J Callahan 0 Three Links Ymir Mammy 97698 Butto 58 1012 good 40 112 3 6 4T J Csllahan 7 ThreeHnks FleetiFashlon Dado 97651 BuU9 Hl01p6od25 JQ6 8 7 J CaJlnbqp 1Q Mammy Goipl free