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HAMILTON FORM CHART HAMILTON ONT THURSDAY AUGUST 15 1912 Fifth day Hamilton Jockey Club Summer Meet ing of i days 4 books on Weather clear 1 residing Judge Francis Nelson Starter A B Dado Racing Secretary A II London Racing starts at 245 p in Chicago time 145 p in Indicates apprentice allowance FIRST RACE 5 12 Furlongs 9G3 0 1OG 7 110 500 added 2yearoids Selling Xet value to winner 405 second 75 third jO Ind Horses AWtPPSt StrFln Jockeys Owners O H C P S fS fvS s S vS X1 AVBl ° 2 Cr ISSiS1 2J Byrne II E Watkins C f 1 1I I A KARD wit 113 i2 1 12 12 3 Schufger J S Ilendrie 3 3 3 45 13 4000itXWIA 134000itXWIA IS 2 ° c 4Dk 42 4 J Daniels K R Bradley S S S 3 1 1ns UVpCO W 102 3 4 SV 6 C 5 = Poling J E Resj ess 100 150 350 50 20 4281 ns nsUVpCO DORLON TVB 107 1 3 r rs c T Koerner P Hyams 453112 fastWinner Time 24 47 i i00 S 107 Track fast Winner B c by Hastings Fairy Gold trained by L Fenstol Fenstolr r n iiH iiHt t post at 24r At 1 ost 4 minutes Start Rood and slow Won easily second and third driving 1 ARKIER was saved behind the pacemaker until straightened ont in the homestretch then l egan closing np and finishing fast and gamely won slowly drawing clear BARXEOAT came through fast on the inside I lYr Strclch ind outstayed TANKARD for second place TANKARD showed great speed in pacemaking for the lirst half but was tiring all through the last eighth VOLITA was outpaced but ran well DOlt I ON quit after showing speed in the early running Overweights runningOverweights Ruvoco 2 pounds SECOXD RACE 34 Mile 90375 111 0 113 SjOO added Canadianfoaled 3year olds and upward Maidens Allowances Xet value to winner 425 second S75 third T 0 Ind Horses AWtPPSt y StrFin Jockeys O H C P S 3503 MARCOAIL w 3 107 10 2 3l h 1H I1 AVolf ProoUdaleStablt 4318 JOE GAIETY w 3 102 73 1 2nt 01 T Davies E Glissco 50 100 SO 30 12 4318 BREASTPLATE Wl 3 105 9 1 4l 41 3 3 = Teahann AV G Bailey 4 7 i 2J G5 4318 SEALED ORDER w 3 100 4 0 Ji 41 41 J Allen BrookdaleStable 3 31 3 C5 5 4092 LE DOR w 3 107 2 fi 5 5J ob McTagrt J S Ilendrie 3 3 3 C5 35 4249 CALUMNY iv 3 102 5 7 71 7 C G Schufger J G Gorman J2J 331 12 1SMARYBUD W 3 105 S S S fill 7 7t McCahev J G Gorman 12J 3 3 1 12 3153 MARTIXOMAS w 4 105 1 9 9 93 S SJ F Adau J IV Groves 431 L1LBUUXE WB 3 107 310 10 10 10 9 = T Koer Mrs P Malier 431S PORCUPINE W 3 103 C 4 6 S2 9l 10 Diggins J L Hamilton GO 100 100 40 In t iCoupled in betting no separate bettingTime place or show betting Time 24 48 114 Track fast Winner NixonWent fastWinner 15 g by Cesarion Lady Black trained by J Nixon Went to post at 3115 At post 1 minute Start sood and slow Won easily second and third driving MAIICOVIL worked his way up on the outside of the leaders and having disposed of his opposition in the hist quarter won going away TOE GAIETY set the early pace and held BREASTPLATE safe for second place when it came TO the final drive The latter came through on the inside and finished gamely SEALED ORDER tired MAUYBUD began slowly and was always outpaced Overweights outpacedOverweights Calumny 2 pounds Lilburne 2 Porcupine 1 P THIRD RACE 34 Mile 00375 111 fi 113 590 added O O Selling Xet value to winner f430 second 75 third fr0 Ind Horses AWtPPSt StrFin Jockey O II C P S 4072 BOUNCING LASS W 3 105 l 2 4 4l 2J 1 Byrne PS P Randolnh 15 20 20 8 3 3141 44214070SJAL SIMCOE w C 109 5 4 2U 2 = I1 2s McTagrt G McSweeney 3 4421 4070SJAL AOLATILK AV S 116 i 7 5 V 52 33 Schufger M Daly 2 2i 2 45 25 4018 McCREARY WR 3 10G 7 1 3 3 = S3 4i E Martin 1 K Hfespess 0 7 4 S5 45 4315 PLANTER VVB 4 IIS S fi 7 Gut 6J rus Klenek Miss Chamhlet 10 32 12 5 21 4017MAL1TIXE Wsu f 111 T 5 US lh n l 6 Teahann II Hurttschell 68 S 3 32 ttWMAD RIVER WKit 110 l 3 fi 71 71 71 Connor J W Hcdrick St 50 40 15 f fSfATOR SfATOR SPARKSwr 3 110 4 1 S1 41 S1 Mooney J W Schorr 20 30 30 12 5 LIIII T 3 115 1 S S = 9 9 McCahey R T Wilson r 7 C 2 1 1Time fastWinner Time 23i 47 113 Track fast Winner ByerWent B f by Yankee Caoutchouc trained by J Byer Went to iK st at343 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving BOUNCIN LASS was outrun but close up to the stretch turn from where she moved up rapidly and wearing SIMCOE down in the last eighth passed him and was going away at the end SIMCOE was a forward contender from the start and disposed of MALITIXE when entering the homestretch but tired in the final drive and may have been a bit short SAL VOLATILE closed a gap from a slow start into a fast going tliird McCREARY dropped back on the stretch turn but came again PLANTER linished well MALITIXB tired after setting a fast pace to the stretch stretchScratched Scratched 431S Bursar 113 4315 Floridas Beauty 101 A Q K IV FOITRTII RACE About 2 Miles Steeplechase 07SOS 104 tdbOO I 3yearolds and upward Handicap Net value to winner 545 second 100 third 5O Ind Horses AWtPPSt 4 7 11 14 IS Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 325 THE WELKIN w 7 1C5 1 1 1 = 1 I10 1s I30 120 w A1jen n Parr Parrw t45 45 13201aout 4251 DR HEARD w 9 135 3 4 4 42 4n 315 24 E Heider T F Kinney 20 30 25 4 45 4314BILL ANDREWS w 4 132 4 2 2J 3C 3 1 313 Klenek Miss Chainblot 10 20 20 4 4f RED SOriRREL w 3 130 5 4 5 5 5 544 Heatlion William Garth t45 45 132015out 1279HIGHBRIDGE ws C 159 2 2 3 3 25 23 Fell Pembton J R Fell fia S5 S5 14 out Coiinle l in hotting no separate place or show betting bettingTime Time 409 Track fast fastWinner Winner Blk m by Contract Olencora trained by L OarthK OarthKWent Went to post at 411 At i ost 1 minute Start good and slow Won pulling up second and third driving THE WELKIN won all the way and after having stumbled at the second fence recovered juickly and drew away in a canter DR HEARD fenced well and wore the tiring BILL ANDREWS down lor second place The latter went in improving form and fenced l eter IIIfillBRIDfiE was going fast a nl wearing the leader down when lie fell at the fifteen jump Scratched 1279 Thistlemas 130 4358 FIFTH RACE 34 Mile OOS75 111 0 113 500 added 3yearolds and upward Selling Xet value to winner 435 second 7 I ml Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys O H C P S S35JK KITTLEBERRY wit 4 107 1 3 340ri3LESH OX C1 31 I1 McTagrt J E Seagram 3 31 3 05 1 13l 40ri3LESH w 4 109 fi 2 3l 411 2 2n E Martin F Davies 0 S a 2 1 4121 S WARTS HILL TV 4 111 7 4 31 jii iu 31 T Koerner O Cochel C 10 S 4 2 4117 LADY SYBIL W 5 a 107 10 11 9 91 7l 4h Connolly AV G KlngDoddsG 12 10 4 2 2Si 1283 SHELBY TVB 5 113 S 7 Si Si 5 a Byrne R E1 AVatkins 0 S S 3 S S5 S5HO 1117 RADAT1ON w C 110 5 10 101 104 92 G Mooney AA7 G Bailey r0 100 100 40 2 20 WB 4 109 3 S 41 2J 4l Ih McCahey J II Mead 33211 i530CEREMOXIUS WB 6 104 12 5 21 rn S1 8 = Teahann P J Miles Milesf 50 00 CO 25 12 4 253 XG OLD MINE w 3 101 11 1 f b 3i G1 93 Hopkins L LeBlond LeBlondH4 20 25 25 10 5 4254 DR HOLZBERG W 6 109 9 9 H4 II4 11 = 10 F Adams C Snow 30 00 0 25 12 ttSSALLAXEEX WB 4 107 4 12 12 12 12 11 = T Davies J AAr Boyle 20 40 30 12 C 4012 CARDIFF WB 4 112 2 C 7 10 = 12 Schufger A G AVeston 20 40 40 15 7 Tim 24 48 113 Track fast AVinner B f by C rnsus Sweet Silence trained by B T Littlelield LittlelieldWent Went to post at 444 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and tliird the Fame KATE KITTLEBERRY was outrun for the first half but moved np steadily on the outside and iiiiii fast iu the last eighth won going away LESII ran on the inside all the way saved ground on ivrry turn and outstayed SWARTS HILL in the final drive The latter off forwardiy showed much Ku d in paoemaking but tired LADY SYBIL closed a big gap and came fast through the last quarter HMHIBY also made up ground and linished close np SALALI and GOLD M1XE showed speed but both null The winner entered foi 4 O was bid up to Sf 0r and bought in 4359 SIXTH RACE 58 Mile 3200 50 4 2 100 500 added 2yearold Selling Net valiif to winner 430 second 75 third 50 Ind Horses AWtPPSt 4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O IT C P S 37SO TERRIBLE BILL AV IOC 11 G 3 3s 2i l Byrne AA AA Darden 0 10 9 4 2 4277 TEA ROSE TVsn 10S 7 10 104277IBRYXAIiY 9 1 f 2 Teahann T Hitchcock Ir 400 2J C 4277IBRYXAIiY w 103 1 1 14LT7 2 2 32 3h McCahey A G AVuston S 10 8 3 7 4LT7 GERRARD v 103 3 S 7 5J Tl 41 T Koerner J AV Schorr 4 4 2 0H 3i 4277 PATTY GRUB TVB IOC 22 1 I1 1 V li r Hi i Di DiKKins Kins G Gil II Browne 20 25 20 S 4 354 LOCH LOMOXD W 103 9 4 5 5J 6 1 J 71 C Ob E Martin G M Hondrie 10 10 10 4 2 iOCO KTOOKTON w 108 S 5 54277SPRIXG 4 4 = 4 41 71 Scbufger AV Stockton 15 20 20 S 4 44277SPRIXG 4277SPRIXG tP Vfv 9S 5 11 1140S9SMICCOSUKEE 11 S1 M 8U S1 Wolf J AVhalen 20 30 15 0 3 340S9SMICCOSUKEE 40S9SMICCOSUKEE v 108 4 3 Rntc fli 9 = 9s McTagrt J S Ilendrie 3 3 3i 75 710 4 9 MORRIS FR1EDPAM vlOG10 9 10 11 11 10i Hopkins Gallaher Bros 8 15 12 5 21 350 BALDOYLE AV 101 fi 7 10 102 11 J Daniels E R Bradley 30 CO CO 20 10 10Time Time 23i 48 101 Track fast Winner Br c by Ivan the Terrible La Desirous trained by II Louden LoudenWent Went to post nt 513 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won handily second and third driv ¬ ing TERRIBLE BILL was on the outside of the lenders nearly all tiie way and was carried wide on the rtictch turn but closed np rapidly in the homestretch and was going away at the end TEA ROSE iKsran slowly but gained steadily and coming through on the inside in the stretch linished with a rush BRYX AKY was a forward contender all the way but was tiring at the end and just lasted long enough to out ¬ stay GERHARD The latter closed a gap and finished fast FATTY CRUB tired after settins the pace to the last eighth STOCKTON showed speed O SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile on Turf 07812 138 1 100 Brantford Selling Handicap ttOOv 1100 added liyearolds and upward Net value to winner 1000 second 200 200third third 100 I ml Horses AWtPPSt 4 i v4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 3229JACQrELINA w 5 113 899 9 S C 1 E Martin AAr T Anderson 4001HVABEL WB 4 107 7 5 2l 4 = 2S 2l 2nt T Koerner L Marline 4141 COMAKERS TOUCH ws 3 93 4 1 S S 7 7 32 Hopkins F J Pons 20 30 25 10 5 41403HAMILTOX 3 101 5 4 5 5 5 J 3i 41 IcCahey J W Schorr 2 3 2 91025 43133BUSY 5 114 2 7 C1 CJ C1 4l 5nk Teahann Adair Baker 5 G fi 27 fi5 MOOOHEYBOTTRX Schufger O J Quinn 4070SUFFItAGIST WSB 5 lOfi 1 2 41 1 Il ink J AV Burttschell 15 20 20 S 4 4071 PERTHSHIRE w 4 116 9 6 3 3J 4h s = Si McTagrt W X Adrians 4 5 4i 2 1 140fi43LEOPOLD 40fi43LEOPOLD w 4 109 3 S 71 71 9 9 9 F Adams AA E Applegate 10 15 15 3 3f f Coupled in betting no separate place or show betting bettingTime Time 24 49 115 141 Track fast fastAVinner AVinner Br m by Jack Point Eyelet trained by W T Anderson AndersonWent Went to post at 543 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow AAon drlvinf second and third the KG me JACQlELIXA l egan slowly and was badly outrun for the first half then closed up with a great nurst of speed and sot up in the last fifty yards to win drawing clear IVABEL was a forward contender from the start but was tiring at the finish COMMONERS TOrCII closed a big ghp info a fast going third HAMILTON tired after moving up menacingly in the stretch BISY linished close up REY lUlPRX showed speed but tired SUFFRAGIST set the pace to the last eighth and quit Scratched 432SBell Horse 115