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TORHS DOWN NEW TRACK HARFORD COUNTY RACING COMMISSION TAKES IIRM STAND AGAINST PROMOTERS. *l Iues Official Statement. Stating That Opening of Another Track at Havre de Grace Would Not Be ;i Conducive to Interests of Racing in Maryland. Havre i]e Grace, Md., February 5.— The following • 1 ti • -tai.uieiii lui beca given .mi by i lie Harford • tountj Racing commission, net ting forth it* reasons i. i refusing !•• allot racing date- for aa additional track ::i Havre de Brace under the ara nag* ascot Cff Hi. Havre de Grace Mechanical aad • i ii ami Racing Association, aioasntcd bj Harry B. , Wolf and others of Baltimore: 1 ■ Wliii...-. the Havre de Grace Mechanical and J « Agricultural Pair :ui. i Raciag Aaeociatioa af Ha ■ • ■ i • I fount?. Incorporated, "ii January 33, 1913, r.p idled i«i ibis .onnni— i..c for :i license : cotjdit I a ustrlcnltitral exhibition* and race Meetings fur both trotting and ronuing raee*. with betting mi the sane. frnan .1 mi- ." i.. 21, aad whet* an the eo mini— ion :it j :t- Meeting on January 23 heard oral statements , front those representing • — - r • 1 association aad then i|in-ii-i| further informatloa from -aid association t iinoa varioa* questions suggested at said meeting. I and again February i those Interested in said a — .- , . laiiim appeared before the • maatissloo an. I far nisbed the iaforaiatioa requested of them at the I.- m meeting, including a li-t of the proposed stock- , Indderx in said association, and whereas iliis inlssioa has earefnlly considered the Raid application iikI the reasons presented foi granting the saaee .-1 1 1 *J .:i other quest iom which the commission believe involved in -,ii.i application: therefore, resolved thai -aid applications he denied for the following leas..n- : * - Iii — t -Becanse such meeting is not deemed aa cuadnrive to the interest of legitimate racing in this Ktate. •Second — Becanae said meeting i- n«.r dei-mei conducive to the interest of legitimate racing in the • ■ • 1 1 1 1 1 . ■•Third Because public sentiment In the county is • ■mi -ed t ihe eetabllshmeni of aa additional raci ii i.i, for mm h mee flags hi or near Havre de Graces ! -.iitrtii- Btn-ause public sentiment In this state 48 ,- opposed i.i i In- establishment of :t n additional race truck in Harford County. Fifth Because, in the jniljrnient of ihe ooaa-mlswioa, the law andrr which it arts coattemplates the regulation of horse racing where betting K :il wed ami a proper method of regulation i the restrict ton •■! ii- extent aad of ihe niiinlur of tracks ii|h.ii which ii 1 1 1 ; i be allowed in this county ami MM large track where meetings may be conducted from twenty to ihiii. daya in as nimli a- i- at present the heat interest of the i uhlii- In this county."