untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1913-02-06


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DAILY RACING FORM ■ PUBLISHED DAILY. V Daily Racing Form Publishing Co. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. A Daily Reflection of the American Turf by Telegraph. — I Editor and Proprietor, r. H. Brunell. Associate Editor. Clinton C. Riley. Secrctarv. Mrs. F. II. Itrunell. i Catered as second class matter, April 2. lSftfj, at the icst ofliee at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of March :!. 1S7!». — : TELEPHONE 2087 HARRISON. For business and circulation purposes only. I Thai telephone lias no connection with the news or editorial departments and cannot be Med to communicate with them. o , To be considered and answered, all queries to Daily Racing Form must be sent over the full name and with the address of writer. The names and addresses, are subject to a local and foreign directory eat BACK MMI.kks :. cents BACH. If sent by mail first -class only six cents. TERMS: Ier Week $ .50 Pec Month 1.50 Hull Year 9.00 One Year 17.00 The above rales are for single copies as scaled letter* first class mail. Daily Racing Form Publishing Co. prefers to send sinulo copies as tirst class mail in all cases. Local subscript imis — outside the downtown district--will be declined at other than tirst-class mail matter rates. Subscriptions must bo paid in advance. BT. LOUIS, MO., office. 112 N. BROADWAY. Win. Laser. General Agent. Telephone Bell olive 4655. Ra.U nuiubers and monthlies supplied. CINCINNATI. O.. OFFICE. 720 MAIN ST. W. 8. Manns, lieneial Agent. Telephone Caaal 1S77. Back uuniliis and monihlies supplied. DETROIT. MICH.. OFFICIO. S5 CONGRESS ST. West, Coiner Wayne Street. I.. GrOSSCUp, General Agent. Telephones: Main 3252; City 3252. Bade numbers and monthlies supplied. P1TT8BDBGH, PA. OFFICE. ,;"7 :; «» THIRD AVE. 11. A. Schafer News Co.. General Agent. Back numbers and monthlies supplied. BLUB ISLAND. ILL.: II. D. Wattles, 103 Inion Street. BUFFALO, N. If.: B. .1. Seideaberg, LUicott Square News-stand. Bl TTR, MONT.: Keele Bros., 27 West Park Street. CLEVELAND. OHIO: .1. C. Bndd, 922 Superior Avenue. o. s. Schroeder, 212 E. Superior Street. COH M1US. OHIO Columbus News Co. DAYTON, OHIO: Pony House News-stand. DLN BR, COLO.: Kendrick-Bellamj Co.. .iwjIJ Seventeenth Street. El PASO, TEXAS: Frank Ormllas. Lone Star News stand. .1 .1. Harrington News Dealer. ELGIN. ILL.: Kennell Bros.. News Dealers. i:ANSVlLl.i:. IND.: Vendome Hotel News stand. HAMILTON. ONT. : McArthurs News Agency. 12 Rebecca Street. Thomas French, 90 .lames Street North, llor SPRINGS. ARK.: C 11. Vcici iV Co., opp. Arlington Hotel. INDIANAPOLIS. IND.: J. A. Moeslein. News stand. Waiting Room. Terminal Station. KANSAS CITY, MO.: Blckseeker Cigar and News Co., Ninth and Walnut Slice!-. KENOSHA, WIS.: C. 11. Ernst A Co.. 271 Main Street LEXINGTON, KY.: !■:. T. Graves, 108 North Limestone Street, l.ol IS II.I.F. KY.: c. P. Dearing, 2;2 Fourth Avenue. M KEBSPORT. PA.: Lloyd Torreyson. Frank W. Torrej son. MEMPHIS TENN.: World News Co. Waller Burke, 182 North Main Street. iv. ibo.lv Hotel News stand. MII.WAt KEE. WIS. : Prank Mnlkern, Third and Grand Avenues. MINNEAPOLIS. MINN.: II. .1. Karanaugb. 50 S-.uih Third Street. N.sii n.l.i:. TENN.: Zlhart Bros . -jis North Cherry Street. NEW ORLEANS. LA.: o i: Hill, ins St. Charles Street OGDKN. UTAH: Joe ll.urop. OKLAHOMA CIT»Y, OKLA.: Match Daily News Co.. Main and Broadway. PEORIA, ILL. Peoria News stand, 500 Main Street S VLT I AKE cm . UTAH: BcOillis ft Ludwlg. News Dealers. CHICAGO. ILLINOIS. FEBRUARY 6, 1813.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1913020601/drf1913020601_2_1
Local Identifier: drf1913020601_2_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800