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SECOND RACE — 1 Mile. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. 1334—1:37% — 1 -112. LOTTA [ CREED ch, m 6 102 By Hammon — My Fair Kentucky J. Masterson. 7037 Juarez 11:48 Cast 16 166 14:, :: S« . Kederis 7 OrbedLad. Gimli. OswaktB. 6994 Juarez 1 l:40g fast 3 101 4 4 2 2 22 l3 Kedorts 8 D.Warneid, GaleneGale. U.Maid 6936 Juarez I 1:461 fast 41 05 5222 4-i 6»1 Nathan 8 M.Emily, Dcraggan, Cal nmpiau 1 69.3 Juarez 1 1:411 fast 3 M6J 7 3 2 2 2* 2* Huigame 7 Orbed Lad. Lescar, Layminster 6S51 Juarez 11:41 good 1 104 7 2 1 6 6« 612 B Steele s Lit. Marchmont. Flying. Lehigh 6826 Juarex I 1:336 faat 5 103 8 6 4 2 33 3SJ Robbins 8 Zoroaster. Orbed Lad. Minnolette 6787 Juarez 1 1:411 good 5 107 6 7 2 1 2» 2* Halsey 8 Baby Doll. Rue. L. M. Eckert 6764 Juarea 1 1:392 fast 10 102 4 5 3 2 2-15= Bobbins 11 John Louis, Suffragist, LoyeDay 6742 Juarez 1 1:391 fast 4 107 1 4 2 2 2s 22 Robbins 7 Suffragist. L.M chmout. 0. McGee 6713 Juarea 1 1:431 good 8 112 12 6 4 3 7 64 Small 13 Balcliff. Lehigh. Force 6677 Juarez 11:431 fast 7 107 8 4 2 1 14 2? Small 10 S-NofthCUL C. W. Kennon, loree 6626 Juarez 3 4 1 :171 good 10 107 2 5 4 6 69 Small 8 Sepnlveda, Bob Lynch. LI Pato 6495 Iigoun 3-4 1:221 mud 10 104 6 6 6 612 5lliForsythe t Oxer. B.Myer, Orm. Cuuninghatn 635S Lagoon lm20y 1:49 mud 3 lJ5 1 5 5 5 6" 6* Pickens 7 Judge Walton. Burnell. Blgio 63 y? Lagoon 1 l:47g mud 3-5 109 2 2 2 2 22 4*1 Pickens 8 Reoorter, Voladay Jr.. Lamb-na 6200 Iagoon lm70y 1:46« fast 13-5 108 3 11 1 22 34 Pickens s Cretchen G.. Cabin. Aftermath 6101 lagoon 3 4 1:121 fast 6 112 7 7 8 8 S» D Nicol 8 Tree. Rue, Miss Korn 5611 Vb-toria Dn70y 1:481 fast — 109 1 3 3 4 4" 44 W Taylor 6 Dr. White. Nannie McDee. Sako 5566 Victoria 61 f 1:23 fast — 109 5 5 5 5 6 64 Leeds tilititi. P. Ileudersou. Don Enriqii* 5502 Victoria 7-8 1:29 fast — 107 6 6 5 5 5" 5 W Taylor 8 Sir fretful. Dor. Enrique 1: la 5482 Victoria 7-8 1:291 fast — no 7 4 2 2 1* 1* W Taylor 7 PyHenderaon. Bun. TomMnrpUy 5315 Vancouver 11:48 mud— 112 1 1 1 3 3b 5» Hill 7 Lehigh. Matador, Dudo 4999 Vancouver 3-4 1:181 hvy — 108 1 4 3 31 32 C Grand I Free. Fort Johnson. Dahlgren J JUDGE . WALTON, b. b, 6 107 By Nasturtium — Loneta M. OBrien. TO4S Juarez I 1:391 fast 30 MB 6 111 1" 1- Kirschm 10 Oc.Q n. C.W. Kennon. DelKnar 7032 Juarea 1 l:39g last 25 10S 7 4 4 4 64 811 Kirschm 11 Abound, Adolante. C. W. Kennon 6970 Juarez 3-4 1:14 fast 15 1H 11 12 9 10 7J1 Kirschm 13 Wilhite. Deerfoot. Horicon 6933 Juarea 3-4 1:144 fast 7 111 2 8 6 10 164 Kirschm 12 Roberta, A. Girl. Commend 11 6926 Juarez 1 1:40-2; good 10 108 4 2 1 2 42 9"lKirschm 11 Flying, Palma, L. M. Eckert 6t,:»l Juarez 1 1:471 hvy 7 108 1 1 1 1 2nt 3"J Kirschm 8 Gift. Ben Uneas, Lambert ba 686- Juarez 11:12 fast 30 108 9 6 3 2 43 6°?Kirschin 10 Falcada, Lehigh, Jack Fills 6S14 Juarez 11:40 fast 20 109 7 6 8 9 10 12 " Rosen 12 L. Day. L. Marchmont. Sb-epl md 6713 Juarez 1 1:431 good 15 115 8 4 3 6 8 84D Nicol 13 Balcliff. Lehigh, Force 6696 Juarea 3-4 1:16k slow 15 112 3 7 7 8 8i: 11 Nicol H Rose Oneil. Don Enrique, Lescar 8630 Juarea 3-4 1:17 good 10 110 3 6 6 7 64Rosen 7 Flher Df.ster. Frazzle. Qatteraa 5494 Lagoon 1 l:55g mud 21 112 6 3 1 2 2» 11 Rosen ti FlorenceA.. T.B.Dghter. LokiMlt 6358 Lagoon lm26y 1 :49 mud 7-6 112 4 4 2 2 11 l1 Rosen 7 Burnell. Klein. Miss Picnic 6308 Lagoon 3 4 1:17 mud 9 114 7 7 7 7 6" Rosen 7 Rue. Definite. Cuntem 4362 Butte I t l 13J fast 100 109 7 7 7 7 V* Parker 7 Engraver, Shoot. Spray, Kn. Deck 2840 Okla. City «1 f 1:282. fast 9-10 112 l2 Parker D L. Paxton. Meadowjjreen. Turner 1669 Juarez I last 6 111 5 1 1 1 11 21 Gross 6 Juan. Zulu. Mamac. 16"7 Juarez 3 4 114 good IS 111 5 6 5 62 TiSmall 8 E.Keck, F.G.Hogan. Fndamental 1599 Juar.z 1-4 1:1J mud 8 log 6 4 6 7 8;*iIIill S G.Rose. G.Hartridge, Lt Knight 1433 Juarez 1 l:41g fast 8 HI 1 I 1 1 t 44 Carter 8 Maizle Girl. Mamac. Zulu. 1367 Juarez 7-8 1 :26j! fast 21 103 111 1 lh 32J Hill 5 Juan, FredMulholland, Pita-pat. 1292 Juarez 3-4 1:141 fast 10 106 4 6 6 6« 11 Hill 8 Fan 1 nail. Light Knight. Waner , GOLDEN AGNES, ch. m. 5 97 By Gold. Maxim — Grey Agnes Floweis and Campbell. 7049 Juai - 11:391 fast 66 97 3 2 2 2 2* V Hill 6 Fern L.. jjel.Street. Dang. March 7022 Juarez 3-4 1:13 Vast 13 106 7 9 8 71 v B Steele 10 Toy Boy, Edmond Adams. Gifl 6986 Juarea 3-4 1:12s fast 12 103 6 S 7 7- ."i Hill 10 Suffragist, Angelus. Mandadero 9965 Juarea 3 I 1:131 fast 10 106 2 6 6 4i 21 Hill 7 P. Industry, S. Spray. P. Hendaoa 6932 Juarea I l:39i fast 166 M6 5 4 5 5 6 6 • Halsey 6 Puck. Mycenae. Maude Girl 6895 Juarea 8-4 1:181 hvy 2i 105 ."» 6 4 43 V* Gross 8 Chanticlor, Jim L., Bob Lynch 8881 luarez 3-4 1:133 fast 16 98 3 3 4 52i 53 Halsey » Odelia, has. Goer*, Acumen 886C Juarez 3-4 1 : 1 4 g 20 103 1 7 7 7 5«1 Hill 8 Mandadero, Masalo. Anne McGev 6863 Juarea 8-4 1:14 fast 15 98 5 3 2 24 24 Halsey 8 Par. Boy, An. interest, orpertn 6839 Juarez 3-4 1:141 fast 20 103 2 4 4 5 64 Halsey o Fraaale, E. Harwood, Mlaa Jean 6829 Juarea 3-4 1:131 fast 50* 106 10 10 10 8 8- Cavangh 10 Rogon. Parlor Boy. BtbelSamson 6S0S Juarez 1 1:411 15 108 9 2 3 5 6 714Kiracbra 10 Rosevale. Fancy. Drsnla Kama 6796 Juarez 3-4 1:13 fast 40 112 4 5 6 6 64 Kirschm 7 Sea Cliff, Mandadero. Parlor Bof 6751 Juarez 3-4 1 Ml fast 13-6 110 4 2 3 3« lt Qroaa 10 Tim Judge. Venetian. Lookout 6700 Juarez 3-4 1:141 Rood 15 112 7 5 6 54 54 B Steele 10 Caliimpian. A. Infest L.Ilarwd 66S5 Juarez 3-4 1:141 slow 2 109 6 4 4 42 4« B Steele B A.Iaterest. B.Gaok. Clint Tucker SILVER GRAIN, b. h. 6 102 By Filigrane— Miss Phyllis J. Burks. 7080 Juarea 1 1 :4l fast 8 MB 7 6 4 3 9 :.•. Kirschm 7 Palma. Flying. Freewill 6971 Juarez 1 L-M 1:471 fast 36 108 E 5 5 7 1 ."."■ Cavangh 7 B.ofFiane. Cnmnian. L.M Kckt 6910 Juarea 1 1-8 171 alow 12 108 3 5 5 6 5 6« Hill 6 Hattas, Zoroaster, Wadswthll 6886 Juarea 1 1-16 1:461 fast 30 113 3 3 6 5 •* 3*1 Gross 7 Console. Hatteras, Zoroaster 6868 Juarez 1 1-8 1:55| fast 2J 110 2 4 4 3 3i 3- Gross 6 Misprision, Wadswthll.. Lehigh 0S41 Juarez t 1:411 fast 15 ill 8 5 7 8 7 6s J Henry in MafideGlrl, Suffragist, U.Emma 68 1 .luarez 1 1-8 1:54? fast 9 ill 5 6 6 6 6 6£ Gross 6 Balcliff, Orperth, Sister Floreaca 6782 Juarez 1 1-8 1:87J good 13-5 108 2 6 4 4 3* l2i Gross 7 Fancy. Force. Lehigh 6748 Juarea 1 1 -16 1:47 i fast 12 111 11 10 10 S 4i 24 Gross 11 Rosevale. El Pato. C.W. Kennon 6728 Juarez 1 1-8 1:55 fast 6 108 9 5 4 4 6 71U R Hoffman lo Misprision. Minnolette, Lehigh 6697 Juarez 11-16 1:64 slow 7 108 1 4 3 3 32J ::• R Hoffman tl Orp en h. RobbyCook, J.Cafferata 66S5 Juarez 3-4 1:141 slow 10 109 1 6 6 6 V Q W Car" 11 9 A. Interest B.Cook, Clint Tucker 6664 Juarez 3-4 1:151 slow 8 108 7 5 4 52 3-1 Ormes -i Quid Nunc. Angelus. Lescar 96442 Victoria lm70y 1:49 fast 8 110 4* Jahn.-en 8 RovalRiver, Vir.Casse. B.Oldfleld 94567 Oakland 7-8 1:32 hvy 20 117, 8 7 8 71 10«*Jahnsen 11 Baiiladv. Beila. Galene Gale 94422 Oakland lm70y 1:511 hvy 30 93 8 8 7 6 52 6 .Jahnsen 12 MissOlflcious. Icarian. Mas.-a 9 12S3 Oakland 1 1-8 2:01 1 hvy 60 102 S 8 8 8 7 78 Jahnsen H Matador. Jolin.T. Rogers. Merlingo »4189 Oakland lm70y l:51g mud 20 10.* 4 9 9 7 8» S5 Jahnsen II TheB. Daughter. Pete, BenUncas 94153 Oakland 3-4 1 :16i mud 100 102 8 11 11 11 lll2Buxton 11 L.Clinron, Descdant. J.nendson 1 t.3649 Oakland 1 1:411 fast 12 107 6 7 6 10 IO3 IO19 Piekens 12 OceanVew. Nasmerito. Incentive , 93582 Oakland 1 1-8 1:531 fast 20 93 3 3 6 9 9 9"»i.«elden 9 Nebulosus. SirWesley. C.Burnett I GIFT. b. g. 4 99 By Yankee — Graceful J. J. Russell. 7064 Juarez 1 l:39f fast 9 104 2 4 6 •; 7 I ;: Hoi mat B Calethumplan. Acumen. Cantem I 1022 ruarez :. 1 1:13 fast 25 MS 5 4 5 E R H I lanlO ToyBoy, EMm. Adams, LadyMacy 1 luarez 1 l:l2g slow 8 162 3 3 3 3 34 34 Kederis 7 B. White, S.Northcut, UMchmt 6891 Juarez 1 1:471 hvy 9-5 104 422 2 1 r 1: Hoffman s BenUnct -. J.Walton, Lambertha os77 Juarez 3 4 1:13? fast 5 ion 6 6 6 64 3"IR Hoffman 8 JustRed. F.G.Hogan, Boog.Battle 6849 Juarea 3-4 1:141 good 3 109 9 5 4 2- 2] R Hoffman 12 Lily Paxton. Boss, iv.iro 6S15 Juarez 5J f 1 :07 fast 60 108 9 8 7 8 8 4Clark 11 Rogon. F.G.Hogan, Tov Boy 5452 H.deGce lm70y 1:451 fast 50 165 3 4 5 6 615 5" Ford 7 Jacqnelina. O Em. Granl.i 5394 H deGce lm70y 1:491 hvv 20 97 4 4 4 5 5 54G Willis 6 O.I.Bust r Snpervr JacqueUna 5125 H.deGce lm70y l:43jj fast 30 102 6 4 5 4 5s 615 Bruce 7 Oakburst, H. Hutchison. B. Boy - 420 KingEd. 3-4 1:17 fast 2 105 11 Jensen 7 Master Jim. Vilev, Caletliumpn 4199 Dufferin 64 f 1:241 fast 5 103 2* Skirvin 7 J. Nunnally, Inf. Queen. Venetian 4150 Dufferin 7-8 1:32? fast 7-10 109 l2 C Knight 6 Fawn. Longus. Christmas Daisy 4105 Dufferin 61 f 1:2 fast 2 105 421 Davenpt 8 Crania. EvaPadwick, Chil. Squaw 4036 King Ed 3-1 1:16 fast 11-6 114 P Johnston 7 Fundamental. Smirk. Glipian . GALENE GALE, br. m. 6 97 B7 Solitaire JX— Hertha W. M. Cain. 7061.IUH-./. 3 11:16] 11-t 1 108 7 :: 1 l- l; :: 12 RuthKsther. SativeSon. li ; Juarez 1 1:391 fast 8 MS 5 I 3 I •"■- l» J Callahan 11 Abound, Adolante. C. W. Kenaan 6994 Juarez 1 1:406, faat 10 191 2 11 1 If 34 J Callahan si. red. D.Warneid. liar. Maid ..iiar. v. 3 4 1:11 Lust 26 H6 8 8 I t, l [OBrien 13 Wilhite. Deerfoot. Horicon 6916 Juarez ll:Hgood40 W6 S 5 4 1 11 23 OBrien L". RoyalRiver, Adolante, QuickTrip Juai../ 61fl:12|bvy 40 no 4 6 7 7 7 IRpsen 8 Zinkand. Buss. Taltow B4p 6777 Juarea 1 I 8 1:57 slow 50 M6 6 4 7 7 s s rv Gargan 8 Wadswthll /..roaster. L.Paxtn 6773 Juarez 51 f 1 :08| slow 66 107 7 9 9 I I "?.vV Gartran 9 Garland. Anne McGee. Venetian 1 6760 Juarez 1 1-16 1:478 fast 66 M6 8 12 7 1 I W W T*lorl2 Maizle Girl, Minnolette. II.Quinn 6742 Juarez 1 1 :39? fast 40 107 7 2 5 6 P 54W W "Tlor 7 Suffragist. L.Creed. L.Mchmnt 6701 Juarez cv f i:0S3 good 20 no 6 6 7 7 7 v Gargan 7 Transnarent, Odelia, Salvage 6657 Juarez 5-8 1:02| good 30 110 3 3 JW Gargan 10 Serenade, J. Cut son. B.Greenlf t631 Juarez .*. 8 1 :Dt slow 15 110 5 7 7 62 57J W Gargan . Compton, Janus. Luke VanZandt 6507 1-agoon F C 1:19| hvy 12 104 7 6 6 6 6»s W Gargan ! Oraitolat, T.Standrd. O.Cunhnra 6133 Lagoon F C 1:17 hvy 5 109 4 7 6 6* 611 W largan 7 I 1 M« Oraitolat. Yellow Foot 64-V5 Iicroon 5 8 1:06 hvy 15 110 6 6 6 7 612 Kelsay 7 Salvage . Billv Mver. The Fad 6282 Lagoon 5-8 1 :04| mud 26 114 4 7 7 61 62 Kelsay 7 The Fad Lescar Clara W 1350 Vancouver H 1:12 mud— 110 5 2 3 52 54 Rosen 6 T. Dancer, J.Blackstock, Oraitolat 134 . incouver 5J f 1 :t slop — 110 1 14 47 6»1 Rosen 0 A.Hyman, Binocular. Phil Connor in I Van. ouver 1 1:431 alow— 109 3 3 5 r, k t» W Gargan 7 D. Enrique Ronnie Bard, Dovalta M60 Vancouver 1 1:42 fast — 112 5 1 1 1 4- 6»« Rosen 7 D.Enrique. B««n.Banl. E.Stenart 3992 Vancouver 1 1:41 fast — 109 9 7 5 8 84 SSelden ! R. r.i. E. Stewart. D. Knriqun I I Vano o- ■ 7 8 i:7SS fast — 109 1 3 1 1 1- i« Seiden 7 I .:. aliea Meada. Sallie ODay RAKE, blk. g, 5 99 Bv Wild Mint— Lady Gay F. M. Hopper. ; larez 1 1:40 fast 10 102 7 7 7" , : 7 1 Hill 7 Orb d Lad Lotta Creed. Gimli ■ io Juarez 1 1 16 1:471 fast 4 105 6 6 0 6 ;■" Seiden fi n M :•• s Nortncul M nnoiette 669 ton 1 1 1 8 2:001 mud 9-5 log 7 7 6 len 7 Gi rheu 0 S.Northcnt, R.Onetl 6674 Juarez 1 1-16 I 66 - tod 16 I0S 7 7 7- s s« |e San J.l nls DonKnriqne ■ * Juarez 1 Lit slow 6 jO 277 5 !•% 1 Henrj K S. Lump BobbvCook. Lambertha ■1:1 lagoon 1 1:501 hvy 4 113 7 6 5 7. p* 2* II Radtke 7 Lesca lodge Sale. Flving 1 ■ ■■■-■ 1 l:47| mud 1-1 1o7 4 4 3 4 4 4 " 01 ■ t Miami Rosevale Iraberths • I I.., «n lm30y l:« hvy 1 109 rs 6 5 Seiden 6 Judge Sale, Miss Korn Miami 1 ! tgoon lm20y 1:47 hvy 6-8 110 3 4 4 I 1- I2 Seiden fi Miand Miss Korn. Montgomery a 9 Anaconda 11-8 1:57 sood 9-5 161 ! 1 3 I 1* r Seiden 8 1 Stewart Ossian. Montgomery I Anaconda 1 1:43* fast 4 161 8 8 « 4 2 l"i Seiden 8 LilyPaxton, Patriotic. Ben Incas Vnacnda 1 1 16 1-51 good r Ml I 442 ::s ::« s Johnson t Miami. Berl Getty, Montgomery I , 1 1 Butte 1 1-8L.7S slop 10 Ml 16 11 14 1« S Johnson 7 Ben Uneaa, Oblivion. Miss Korn ! tvs., Butti I 1:461 fa« 50 M 8 8 .8 8 8 8;« r rsytbe H Bert Getty. Hannis. Miami 1773 Butte 3-4 1:16ft fast WO 108 I 7 7 7 »:- Cavangh 7 Hazel C. CIlntTncker. HughGray -•13 Sail l-iU- 1 1:42 fast 13 167 2 7 7 7 7 7" Corey 7 Ed. Graney, Wolferton, K. River I C. dAlene 1 1:41ft alow 12 102 S r. 5 2 :,, S*J Hill D L.Creed, BdnaStewart, Whid.Vn I ! 3253 C dAlene I 1-4 2 10 rust 54 102 r. 1 1 3 4= 6* Schwebtg 7 s l.u Mv Bouquet, B Dbcm - -i ■■ IAlene 1 1-8 1:56ft faat 41 109 6 2 2 I 4 4-i .1 Melntyre 8 Jnan. Icarian. Johnatown I I 2763 O.d" Alene I 1 16 1 :48ft fast 13 104 1 4 4 5 5 5« R Hoffman B Whidden. Miehael Angelo SiUa • -•■• IAlene! 1 16 1:481 faat 4 107 8 8 7 8 7 74 Orosa • 1 •.. ■ Inater. Sal pea ri Whidden r C. dAlene i 1:121, mud 8-5 IM 4 4 4 4 ft" 4*| BaMei | QfCHO tola, BOM LEHIGH, b. g. 4 99 Bv Islington — Komurasaki L. Brlinsrame. V 704s, i . : i i - s : lit . i. V;iii...i. o. Queen C.W.Ket 71 . luarez taut K ]• ■ 10 9-9 I • : Im -i • |j Ab I, Adolante, w K iiV..Iiniiu I 1:4V| good 5 MO 6 5 4 4 s g»« Bur same n Flying, Palms. 1.. M. Eckerl 6899 ji.a.i/. i 1:41 hv 4 M i I I - -3 -!• Burgame 7 Ur. Emma, LilvPaxton. ThePeei 6868 Juares 1 1-8 1:E3| fast C M2 4 3 3 4 4- 4*1 Grrvth j Misprision, WadswthlL. B.Graia 6862 Juarez I 1:43 test 31 MM 3 hi 8 B Is! 2*1 Qrotta 10 Falcada. Jack Kills. Flying I 6961 Juarei 1 1:41 l 10 H6 2 5 f 1 • 1 . Bur* fame s Llt.Marchmont, Flying, B.Unca* 6 678S Juares l L4I3 ■: »i s 102 -j 5 5 1 4- 3» Burgame t Hugbie Qulnn, Bannis, Colinct • 712 Juares 1 1-8 1:57] good 6 lot I 5 f 6 4* 4*1 Burgame 7 Sliver Grain, Fancy, Force *i 6772 Juarei l 1:43| mow 6 10:1 j 6 :i I j | 2«« Bur game 7 orpcrth. DonEnriqiie, K.Stalwari 67*9 Juares 1 1-14 1:471 faat 10 K 4 » 8 6 ftj 6*1 Halse 12 MsisleGirl, Minnolette, li. ni C74S Juarea 1 1-16 l:47f test 7 Mi M 9 I I 8 6" Burgame II Rostrate, Silver Grain, El I.tto 4 Bf2i Juarea lis 15". fast 4 M 74: 1 22 3» Bur game 10 MispriaioB, Uianolette, B.Uneai I Juares i 1 A. ;ood 30 MS 11 9 7 7 t* a Orotn 18 Balcliff, Force, John : W 6760 Juares 1-4 1:141 good 34 107 lo 10 8 8 R» Moleswh 10 Calumplan, A.Intest. B.Barwd i 6606 Juarei 3 1 1:1*1 slow M loo l 2 6 6 6*3 Jmth s Rose Onell, Dun Enrique, Lesear i •tn Juares 61 f 1 :l»l mud 10 lo6 1 3 6 6 4*1 Oroth p orperth, KlngStalwnrt, M.McKm 1 1222 Denver 3 1 List slow — 104 2 4 4 44 l«J Bur* same 1; BenUncss, Farmer Boy, Acumen -1 SIS Vancouver 1 1 :4S mud— 103 2 2 2 2 1* 1* Rnrgiiiiie 7 Matador. Dado, Southern Odd ! 5006 Vancouver 3 4 1 :17| slow — Ml 4 8 4 3« 3«1 Bur gam* 7 J. Henderson, Calla, Wilt rude 8 4%9 Vancouver 1 1:161 mud — 102 2 3 3 2 2i V Burgame 8 Su Feinn, Wild Kern. Sorrowful ■ . 6988 Vneouver 1 1 a 1 :59g mud — * 6 5 4 3 4 21! 2 1 Hill 7 Matador, Soon. Southern GoM DON LNEIQUE. b. g. 9 108 Bv Hastings— Bella-Donna . L. W. Hicks . : ..11. . Ij fast 20 12 • t 6 a ■ I ; Gelkro, Sb. Sorthcut, !■ I luarez tasi 7 7 7 7 8* Hill SB M p. Orb. Lad. B. of F01 6928 Juarez ;; 1 1:1S faa« 25 US 1" 11 10 10 0 Brten 1! Edm. Adams TimJndge. Mazurka 6908 Juarez : 1:421 alow 8 K6 ."7 7 7 7 0:-Hil! 7 Bye While Bet. Northcut, Gift 6901 Juarez B] i 1:12 hvy 3 103 M 14 M v 7" Hill Hi D.Montgomery. T.Jndite. The Fad j lares 3-1 1:121 fast ZS ii » « 7 7 0- 5 -uiili 7 Dominica. Oakland, Eye Whit* 67S8 Juarez 11:414 goods 112 1 6 3 M I* Hill 6 Setback, Love Hay. Sli. Xortlicut j 6772 Juarez I 1:414 slowl7-10 112 7 7 7 7 4*1 3*1 Hill • Orperth. Lehigh, King Stalwart 677»J Juares I ■ 14 1 511 si iw 2J 113 3 :; ;, 4 2» *•* B Steele 5 S. Nor t bent, Mil lette, B. o:.eil : 6768 Juares 1 1 n; 1 :4f.J fast 13 104 8 9 4 9 9 llJHlll B Raid Iff, Couipton, Bis. Fl renee [ 740 Juares 1 1-14 1:471 fast 4i n: 1. ."1 5 5 TV1 51 Hill 8 B. Mate. 8. Nortbcut, Mlnnoletl* 4 710 Juares 11:42 good 4 Mi 7 5 f 4 I] l| B Steele 7 S.Spray. MatsleGirl, Royal River , M Juares 3 t 1 :1«1 1 low 4 109 2 6 I Sl 21 Schweblg 8 Bose Onell. Lesear. Love Day ■488 Juarea El : Ulfli mud 8 1M 7 8 ". 4» !• Hill 8 Good Intent, Pedro, Ah Moon B •11, so Juares I 131 slow 4 MS 5637 srMavangh : Duncraggan, Balcliff. Love l ny w.A Juares 1 1 14 1:64 n" d 3J 148 6 5 5 t 4- 4: Bur" game s i:.-,ke. Swede Sam, John Louis 1 MS* Juares I 1:454 alow 8-8 MS .: 6 6 6 o2 l*| Hill 7 Rose Onell, Black Mate, McAtnr 4828 Juarez 3 1 i:17| good 5 107 4 8 .". 5"k 44l Hill 6 Sepulveda, Bob Lynch, l".l Pa to SS11 Victoria 3 1:45 slow — 112 3 4 5 4 4» V Pickens 7 Sport-Llfe. DonDisz BrackBonta 1 ."71 Victoria T-8 1:31 slow — 112 3 5 5 4 24 2=J 0 Ross S Canaoa. Einkand. Siscua 1 8747 Victoria 1 1:461 mud — 10.8 | | 3 3 410 4« W Taylor 5 Lambertaa, Hal Worth. Matador E719 VI toria 3 4 1:15J good — 107 1 6 8 5=1 4 °* W Taylor C, B.Hamilton. Bd. Adams. Canteir, ■ Victoria 11:43 fast — Will 5 5* 8** Riddle i BnrL T.B.Ds«g»t«r. CDesmoas I FREEWILL, b. f, 4 97 Bv Tim Pcyne— Inocencia Crockett and Orr. 7-.v .1 11:41 fast 10 98 2 12 2 PJ I" McDwtt Id 7 Pa lota, Flying. Silver Grain 1973 Juarez 3 I 1:131 last 8 98 3 -15 S 7 Besa n Jti K. Harwood. Royal Dolly, Odelia luarez 1 1 1:131 faat 5 KB 2 1 1 1 ■ 1*1 Kj leri« 11 A. Girl, Quick Trip, Faneuil Hall 6904 Ju 3-4 l:Kft slow 7 Mi 3 1 1 Ij 3*5 Bobbins 11 S.Sbapiro, Bredweil, S.V.llougb 6773 Juares 5| f 1:081 slow 60 101 4 1 2 :;-? 7"li: Steele 9 Garland. Anne McGee. Venetian 6745 Juares El f 1:071 fast 68 106 E 1 2 6 8"in Steele 8 LoveDsy, P.Henderson, Cosgrovo :: ; ok.Citv A1.5-- i-:: fast 14 103 e-i Malum. y 7 Ovelando. HattleGarrett. Rrroig 3342 Okla. City 3-4 1:18 g.KKl 3-2 101 3= Irvin 7 Meadowgn. I.itliogene. B.Maldet 3193 Ok. City Ab5-8 1KM1 slow 17 li7 B»| A Murray 7 Edna, Til. Thomas. Jack Lamar 28 ■■:; Okui it 3-4 1:181 fast 31-10 M3 6liiMaboney 8 Fly. Pearl. Briton. Pac Electric 2835 OkbuCity 3-i 1:161 fast 12 .is 8 Mnhoney B.of the Bay. J.Cah.nNs. Leklgk