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PAN ZARETA CONTINUES INVINCIBLE. Newman Filly Wins Another Race at Juarez. It Being the Seventh in Succession. 0 Pana, Tex., Fehraary •" . — The iaviaeihte Now-maa illy, Baa Zareta, coatiaaed her rlctorioaa ■ .ii. er al Jaarei today by hratlaa; ■ hand of the ii -i three -year -old- at tls- track in handy la-liion. 1 1 w.i- her seventh straight victory and she ee*-lalalj i- the best til t v sbowa here thi- mason, Gross tode her lo perfection. He brake her away from tin- barrier Irst. thea reserved her ha hind the last pace -.-t l.y Kiva and Gordon Baasell. When Loftua n. i. Mil up on the tarn with im Pahaaar, the favorite, the tilly BKSred ap at iln same time. Loftu- was foreed to y,» outside of Kiva and Uordoa Basse H a-ihe Hi-Id swang Into the homestretch, while Grow Ktaying na ihe rail, sent Paa Karen through a •mall ■ipenlag and. nmiir :. atroag hand liih. shf drew n:i at ihe end. Truly i-ainc with a treaaendoas raah and heal the tiring Kl Ialomar »v ■eeaaaV Jorkej Gross, after being suspended for Bve days, slgaalixed Ilia return bj piloting three winners. • in. ,in Willii : iHiiiiriit ih.- four-year old .lack Kills from lloerhoi fer A; We-t tlii- Baamdaaj. 1 in i i-ii i«M-k was purchased by Cnneo ■ Teaaaaa Ptowers A.- ai,i|iln-ll. who daimed him from i u iiiiii-i- ror .sT-J".. .1. Matthews ot Botte, Moat., i- here. He in-lenda lo remala for the n— t of the naeettag, I-. ekey l.aliaii was suspended for live- days hy -Mini , " : i — t . for disobedience at the i» -t. Naaa Nh»k delayed the start ia the last raee by hi- unruly a.-lion- at the pant. ii.,- task of imnroviag the track havlag been i iiii|.liied. it was inn tni-i— aiy to hare the "dogs" • 1 1 thi- moraiag, when the following work-outs took place: .Xiigtltt-— Three-quarters in 1 :!;-.. Annual Interest Three -eighths in :: •-.-,. I- hav Itessriag. Aragonese Mile in lit:;, handily. I- al her heat. nii. i. irl Three-eighths In ■• -.,. Katwa Half mile In 51, breeaing. Hells Half mill- la V.K handily. Is improving. Kreviti Si-vi-n oi,.,!.- in l :.:i;. breeamg. Baa el iremelj iii.i legs, Camaetat Three-quarters in 1:15, haadily. Is ronadiug to hi- heel form. lapnan I.imm, Seveo-eightha in 1 :■■"•. hreeabag. i- iaanroviug. . Uaaiieloi Three-eighths in 3B%. I- al Ins best. Ii u Kn iqne Half mile in .".4. Of little present ■ .urn . Ii. iHMighertj line, eighths in M%. Is good. Kanej Three-quarters in !:lti-.. Acts a# II - od. i Ii in:- ln.,i.i.|„ tlve-elghtlir ill l:t-. 1- lo I iu ; to. ll. ml i.i- Three-quarters in l:lt.-.. Acta as II .Klli. Injur Mile in 1:47. breeatag. Irish lieatleman Half mile in is. Worked from ii.n i i.i- -t ml la al in- i t-t. I. i: i:..h:n-oii Half mile la 51. Is jjoixl. .lust Bed I in-, i eighths in 36%. I- good. Kamchatka Three-quarters ia 1:15, handily. I- al his best. l..-ni Rankin Mile i l it-,, i- good. I., uiii Five-eighths in 1 01. At hi.- beat. M aisle Girl —Mile in 1:47. breeaing. Maraand Half mile in 4s. |g geed. Mar. 1 : 1 1 1 i I Halt mile in .".t I- training well, VI ay er dale Half mile ia 51, breealajg. viinnie I. Three-quarters in i:ii;- ..t- as if Bl .,1 Minii.ii Half mile in 54. 1- training well. thaaa Half mile in 51. Small. Inn fast, itrlglaalur Half mil.- la 40. handily. fPamuinea Five-eighths in 1:02. I- at her be I OiiH-k li.- eighths in I in. •Jiiid Nuiie tire-eigbthb in 1 ••_. 1- goad Ralph I.I... v.l Halt mile in K , haadily. 1- larprov- ing. Itam-y — Fin eighths in 1 ol . i bia l"--t Sea llitl II ill mil- in 17:0. Is at his best S iici a Hall mile in I. Handily. 1- ini| rovlag. s... vie. in-- Mile iii i 17. breeaing. siii-1-i.-ion -Hall mile in "1 Has k "iI speed. The I ad Thi re i mi lera la 1 1 M%. V.utian -Three-quarters in 1:15, haadwj- Oaad work. "flaalag Wit.ii Half mile in ."4. breeaiag. I- iii f..H«l eoiiditii.ti oaee more. /..ol Three-eighths la M**. Is iaaprorlaa;.