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■ CHARLESTON ENTRIES. 1 The figures under the heading "Rec." in the. entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance, since January 1, 1911. no matter where it finished. In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track, abbreviations j show tnick conditions, o o Probabilities: Weather clear: track fast Kaclag siaris at 2::;o p. m. Chicago time. 1 :•".». XRuns w.-il in mad. ©Superior mud runner. Ml maiden. -Apprentice allow ame First Race — 5-16 Mile. 2 ri sr ..ids. Selling. Track record: 1228— 29%— 2— 112. lad. Horse Wt. Fee. A.Wt.Haa. 7041s GORDON 118X725 5 7041 Ida Cook Mi 188. .71". -, 8988 l-Mna I. ska Mi Hh;. .71o ii 7041 Bed Rajah M . .. 109. .705 6957 Bulgarian Mi I88..703 5 * Miss Gayle, b. f. by The Commoner - Alpaca 102 Salon, eh. g. by Salvation |. n dra ID Madges Sister b. f. by Miller - Magna SteBa . It! Second Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. :: year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 1823 l :" ;-. I -108. 3U60 strikeout Ill 1:07% 7 108X725 7027- Jessup Rum lo:: 1:07% 7 HWX720 7012 Bertls 108 1:00% 5 112X715 70..7- Che. i 1 "p 112 1:98% 1 108 710 0212 Naught] Lad lot 1:08% 5 112 703 7042 i liilton Squaw 108 1:08 5 102X700 7H27 Diana 109 1:68% 4 188X688 Third Race— 3-1 Mile. 1 year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 1889 -1:12% t -11".. i 7oj7 Premier 105 1:13% 5 106X725 iiki.-si Venets Strome ....110 1:12% 7 1»n;©720 7tMii Bvlrestrte 105 1:12% o ill ©71.". i7or,.;. l.oni Wells 112 1:14% 5 110x715 7001 Abrasion lint 1:12% 6 104X710 .v.171- Dai Mastenson . .107 1:14 ■» 108X705 70-jt Frog D»!» 1:14% •"• h« ■ 700 Tutc* Swarts Hill 105 1:13 • 99X700 7844* L.liih laea 168 1:13% 6 89. .686 Fourth Race — 3-4 Mile. .; r ir-olds an.! upward. AHowaaces. Track record: 1868 i 12-.-, 1—113. 166891 Sherwood 115 1 12% 6 113 f58 .s::os C ue! Asbaaeade.114 1:13% 6 105x745 7o44. A morel 115 1:12% I! I05 . 13 :7s.-.- ciieiio|:l 198 1:12% ", 106 , I i 7058 Ma.!; B. Lubauks. lo.i 1:13% 1 102X735 cot:. Samuel B Beyer. 107 1:14% I D 2 . ..::o 6840 Early Light r95 1:13% 3 82. .736 Fifth Race— 5 1-2 Furlon-s. 11 and upward. Selling. ITrack record: 1823 I »-■ . ! 100. 7. ».V linv I im DM 1 : «0 . -. lot 700 7995* Hen Prior .. . lol 1 Hi1, 5 lot . 1 .1.. 704:. Maurice Beed .100 I !«»% 3 111 lBMl mil Kelly 1 l 1 107 1 :0fi ;-. :i »2. i»B0 7037 lleli- 1l2l:ooa, 7 107. .085 7o_i Uuiac] Belle . 95 l:0»% 5 lo7...;.s:, 7045* Wildweed 106 1:09 1 98X«8tl 7070 Ruisseaii 3 loo ■ U80 7 4 r. Inspired 115 1:10% 6 187. .886 Sixth Race — 1 Mile. ; j ■ ar ..Ids and upward. Selling. • li.n k record: I2iv 1 :40Va 1 103. Ton Wander 119 1:41% 7 n 7 72". ,7o2s. Colonel Cok 1091:40% I 1100720 170H1 Floral Bar 1117 cm1. 1 107x713 701:. "* c nontrV Touch. 102 1:41% 1 9rt 71." ! U99] l.,.:,| Ill.i 1 j 1 107 I :I2:. 6 K7 . lo 7ol I a .1 99 I lo . I 98©7U. 70.4 U. 11. Litav fM... 3 J---T00